Project created during my Master's Degree in Computer Science for the Languages and Compilers class.
(please do not judge the code quality, it was written in 1 week of rush and hurry)
Project a suitable abstract syntax similar to Scala language, and write in Haskell a compiler for the new engineered language.
- Project an Abstract Syntax
- Type-System
- Lexer (using Alex)
- Parser (using Happy)
- Type-Checker
- Three-address code (intermediate code generation)
Type and run from you terminal make demo
, it will automatically create a demo.
Or simply run ./Compiler
to compile the source code from
, there is also a verbose debug mode: ./Compiler -d
// Basic Declaration
var k: Boolean = ! true;
var w: Boolean = (1 <= 5) && (true || false);
var c: Char = 'c';
var c: Int = -1;
var x: Int = 5 + 6;
var y: Int = 5 * 4;
var z: Int = 5 / 4;
var p: *Int = &c;
var kk: *Int = p;
var zza: Float = 5.0;
var zzzz: Int = zza;
// Compound Declaration
var s: Array[Array[Char](2)](2) = Array(Array('a', 'b'), Array('a', 'b'));
var i: Array[Array[Int](2)](2) = Array(Array(1+2,3), Array(5+3/7,1));
var a: Boolean = true;
def proc(valres c: Int, b: Boolean): Int = {
return (c);
// Function Declaration
def func(a: Int, b: Boolean, d: Char, n: Float, l: Boolean, m: Array[Array[Char](2)](2)): Int = {
// Basic Declaration
var counter: Int = a;
var z: Int = proc(counter, b);
zza = 5;
counter = a;
counter += a;
x = ++x + x;
// Iteration Statement
while (b == true) {
// Function Call
var z: Int = proc(counter, b);
proc(counter, b);
// Selection Statement
if ((10 >= 8) || (counter > 5)) {
var counter: Int = 2;
} else {
var counter: Int = 4;
if ((!true) || (counter > 5)) {
var counter: Int = 2;
// Left Expression Declaration
// Primitive function call
x = readInt("anything");
x = ++(++x) + ++x;
x = ++x + x;
y-- = x-- - ++x--;
y-- = x;
d = s[1][1];
s[1][0] = 'a';
*p = 5;
for (c <- 1 to 10){
c = 5;
if (x>5) {
// Try Catch
try {
} catch {
case ex: Exception => {
// Jump Statement
return (1+1);
def main(): Unit = {
val z: Int = func(1, true, 'a', 3, false, s);
// Program execution
val run: Unit = main();
Do whatever you want to.