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Tutorials for Hard Numbers: Open Consumer Price Database

Cite as:

Isakov, A., Latypov, R., Repin, A., Postolit, E., Evseev, A. and Sinelnikova-Muryleva, E. (2021). Hard Numbers: Open Consumer Price Database. Russian Journal of Money and Finance, 80(1), pp. 104–119

Database description:

Data Tables


Fields are

Field name Description
web_price_id id of a product to which a property corresponds
date_modified time when a property was changed. The entry appears when a property is first added or when it is modified
properties string representing a dictionary whose 'key': 'value' pairs are 'property_alias': 'property_value'


web_price_id date_modified properties
3400351 2021-11-09 00:00:00 {"nw":"0.01кг", "gw":"0.01кг", "pp":"шт"}

Property aliases

Alias Full name Description Values example
pc pieces number of pieces in product 10, 20, 30 (it means that, for example, there are 30 nails in a package)
ps package size float or int number representing the size of a package 2, 200, 0.7, ...
mu measuring unit measuring unit of a package size кг, г, л, шт (штука), ...
pp price per this field answers the question "which unit is the price for in the rtpi_price table?" шт (штука), уп (упаковка), кг, л,...
wn net weight (масса нетто) weight of a product minus package weight 0.1, 200, 500, ...
wg gross weight (масса брутто) weight of a product including package (масса брутто) 0.1, 200, 500, ...
wu weight unit (единица измерения) measurement unit of values in fields wn and/or wg кг, г, ...
vm volume volume of a product 0.5, 600, 10, ...
vu volume unit measurement unif of values in fields vm л, мл, ...

Property aliases (deprecated)

Alias Full name Description Values example
ps package size float or int number representing the size of a package 2, 200, 0.7, ...
mu measuring unit measuring unit of a package size кг, г, л, шт (штука), ...
pp price per this field answers the question "which unit is the price for in the rtpi_price table?" шт (штука), уп (упаковка), кг, л,...
nw net weight (масса нетто) weight of a product minus package weight 0.1кг, 200г, 500мл, ...
gw gross weight (масса брутто) weight of a product including package (масса брутто) 0.1кг, 200г, 500мл, ...

Note fields package size/measuring unit and net weight/gross weight are often about the same thing, so that the information in them may be mutually exclusive. An exception might be when, for example, in a wholesale store you should buy many items at once (the box with 10 bottles of water, 5 packages of cottage cheese, etc). In that case, the pair package size/measuring unit represents the size of a box, when a pair net weight/gross weight is about a specific item inside this box.


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