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aaaaalbert edited this page Aug 6, 2014 · 3 revisions

Installing the Custom Installer Builder

This page outlines how to deploy install the Custom Installer Builder (including its dependencies) on a Linux machine.

Setting up a user account

First of all, we recommend to set up a user account specific to the Custom Installer Builder instance you are going to set up. This ensures all of the code, config files, etc. remain isolated from that of other services on the same machine.

The user should not be granted interactive login for security reasons. Use sudo -i -u theusername instead to work in their directory. Needless to say, the user should not have root privileges or be able to acquire them.

Any user name will be fine. We'll use cib in the instructions.

Install Dependencies

The Custom Installer Builder requires a few pieces of software to run:

  • Python in version 2.5-2.7 -- the language Custom Installer Builder is written in
  • Apache -- the web server
  • mod_python -- necessary for interfacing with Django code
  • Django -- necessary to run Django code
  • zip -- necessary for packaging window installers and keys

Python is often available on a typical Linux install. Be sure to check the version though, we need 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7.

To install the other packages, log in as a sudoable user and type

$ sudo apt-get install apache2
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python
$ sudo apt-get install ntp
$ sudo apt-get install zip

The Custom Installer Builder requires Django, a Python web framework, in version 1.3.5, which is available at or through a package manager. (At this time we do not support Django version 1.4 or higher.)

$ sudo pip install django==1.3.5

Download Custom Installer Builder code base

Now log in as the user who will be hosting the Custom Installer Builder (in our case that's cib). Check out the Custom Installer Builder code base from GitHub:

$ git clone -b new_build

In the custominstallerbuilder directory created through this, locate and cd into scripts/, and run the init script:

$ cd custominstallerbuilder   # The repo just cloned
$ cd scripts   # Part of said repo
$ python

This goes and clones additional repositories that are required for building installers into the scripts dir.

Done (for now)

That's it! You now have all of the code and config files required for the Custom Installer Builder!

Continue to configuring your Custom Installer Builder, customization. running a test server, and running a production server.