This plugin provide user-friendly messages or images about build status.
npm install --save-dev status-build-webpack-plugin
npm install -D status-build-webpack-plugin
yarn add -D status-build-webpack-plugin
const ShowStatusBuild = require('status-build-webpack-plugin');
plugins = [
new ShowStatusBuild(),
Then you can see:
- default message when the build is success
- default message when the build is failed
- when you set the custom message(image) and build is success
- when you set the custom message(image) and build is failed
If you want to see more please see examples
description: colors for output content, you can use colors from collection, please see below:
colors collection:
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- cyan
- white
type Object
colors: {
success: 'green',
failed" 'red',
description: show this content when build is success
type String
success: 'Build Passed!'
description: show this content when build is failed
type String
failed: 'Build Failed'
description: show errors number when build is failed
type Boolean
showErrorsNumber: false
build status status image status webpack plugin