Client library for OpenProject server. Works both in Node.js and browser. Tested with OpenProject v10 and v11.
npm add op-client
import {CO, Duration, EntityManager, Project, Status, StatusEnum, Type, WP, TypeEnum, User} from "../src";
import {config} from "dotenv";
// reading ENVIRONMENT from .env file
(async () => {
// create EntityManager instance
const em = new EntityManager({
baseUrl: process.env.BASE_URL,
oauthOptions: {
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
createLogger: () => console
// get Work Package by id
const wp = await em.get<WP>(WP, 12)
// modify Work package
wp.type = new Type(TypeEnum.Epic)
wp.subject = 'Quick start Demo'
wp.estimatedTime = new Duration({days: 24, hours: 15})
wp.startDate = new Date()
await em.patch(wp, false); // or patch some fields only eg em.patch(wp, false, ['startDate','_links.type']);
// create new Work Package
const wp2 = new WP()
wp2.type = new Type(TypeEnum.Task)
wp2.project= new Project(1)
wp2.subject = 'Read all examples'
wp.assignee= new User(1)
await em.create(wp2)
console.log(wp2.createdAt) // -> current date
// get Work package collection by filters
const wpCollection = await em.getMany<WP>(WP, {
offset: 2,
pageSize: 5,
filters: [{
project: {
operator: "!",
values: 2
console.log(wpCollection[2].subject) // -> Upload presentations to website
// get Type by id
const type = await em.get<Type>(Type, TypeEnum.Milestone);
console.log(type.self.title) // ->Milestone
// get Project by id
const project = await em.get<Project>(Project, 1);
console.log(project.self.title) // ->Demo project
// get Status by id
const status = await em.get<Status>(Status, StatusEnum.InProgress);
console.log(status.self.title) // ->In Progress
// get Custom Option by id
try {
const co = await em.get<CO>(CO, 1);
console.log(co.self.title) // ->In progress
// this will throw error if you haven't at least one CustomOptions
console.log(err.message) // ->404 [urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:NotFound] The requested resource could not be found.
// get User by id
const user = await em.get<User>(User, 1);
console.log(user.self.title) // ->System
- Login as admin
- Select Administration / Authentication / OAuth applications
- Follow https://docs.openproject.org/system-admin-guide/authentication/oauth-applications/
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/alexey2baranov/node-op-client
cd node-op-client
# run unit tests
npm test
# to run integrated test run OpenProject, setup OAuth2.0 connection and fill <PROJECT_ROOT>/.env file
npm run server:up
touch .env
npm run test:integration
npm run server:down
- Add more documentation