This git repo contains the main scripts used inside the WSL environment where MBDyn was installed. It spans several folders each of which is used in a different chapt of the thesis titled: A Comparative Study of the Impact of Innovative Lead-lag Damping Configurations on Helicopter Rotor Stability and Loads
- GR_MBDyn Chapter 1: Ideal multi-body simulation of ground resonance alvaro_model/ v9 : Initial conditions prescribed by means of constant value, NOTE: Non-zero velocity values v10 : Initial conditions prescribed by means of step function that goes to zero at a t = 2pi/Omega v11 : Improved MB model of the i2b TODO cassoni_model/ reference GR MB model
- GR_AERO Chapter 3: Influence of aerodynamics and out-of-plane motions on ground resonance stability Same as GR_MBDyn model with aerodynamics and swashplate
Chapter 4: Loads in forward flight
- FRICTION Verification of the correct implementation of the non-linear CL used in Chapter 5: Implementation and analysis of non-linear elastomeric dampers