Script written by [email protected] in 2018.
This bioinformatic pipeline aims at linking 16S rRNA sequences of Thaumarchaeota (i.e. ammonia-oxidizing archaea, or AOA) to amoA phylogeny. amoA is the A subunit of the ammonia-monooxygenase and it is used as a genetic marker to detect AOA in environments. It's phylogeny, unlike the one of 16S rRNA of Thaumarchaeota, is finely characterised and contains useful information about their distribution in environments, as described in Alves et al., 2018. By merging both phylogeny, we hope to transfer this useful information from the amoA phylogeny to the 16S rRNA phylogeny.
This work was published in Augst 2021 in mSystems in an article entitled Linking 16S rRNA gene to amoA gene taxonomy reveals environmental distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea clades in peatland soils by Haitao Wang, Alexandre Bagnoud, Rafael I. Ponce-Toledo, Melina Kerou, Micha Weil, Christa Schleper and Tim Urich (DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00546-21).
The approach used here is to screen genomic databases in order to find genomes, contigs or nucleotides that contain both a 16S rRNA and a amoA gene. Here are the main steps of the pipeline:
Three different datasets were used here:
- All NCBI sequences annotated as Archaea and that are at least 2000 bp long.
- All the RefSeq archaeal genomes.
- All the GeneBank archaeal genomes (which contains MAGs, metagenomes-assembled genomes).
Each dataset was analysed separately.
For this study, dataset 1 was downloaded the 31st Oct. 2020, and datasets 2 and 3 were downloaded on the 7th of Nov. 2020.
The amoA database from Alves et al., 2018 (accessible from the supplementary information) was used to detect and annotate amoA genes from the 3 datasets.
The 3 nucleotides and genomes datasets were BLAST against Alves et al. database. Then, the sequence of positive matches were extracted using Samtools.
The newly found amoA sequences were then annotated based on Alves et al. database, using QIIME1, as recommended by the authors.
For each sequence that contains an amoA gene, 16S rRNA gene was extracted (if present). 16S rRNA genes were detected with Barrnap and then the sequences were extraction with Samtools.
Then, all 16S rRNA and amoA pairs (i.e. coming from the same original sequence) were reunited using an in-house R script.
Finally, the results from all 3 runs were merged together using an in-house R script.
Here is the list of the softwares used for this pipeline. The versions that were used for this study are indicated in parenthesis:
- BLAST+ (v.2.10.1)
- Samtools (v.1.8)
- QIIME (v.1.9.1)
- Barrnap (v.0.9)
- ncbi-genome-download (v.0.2.6)
- vsearch (v2.7.1)
The amoA database was downloaded from the supplementary informatio of Alves et al. ( Supplementary files 1 et 3 were downloaded and unzipped. The files AamoA.db_an96.aln_tax.annotated.fasta
(supplementary data 1), AamoA.db_nr.aln.fasta
, and AamoA.db_nr.aln_taxonomy_qiime.txt
(in the AamoA.db_nr_qiime.mothur/
folder of supplementary data 3) were moved to 0-databases/
A BLAST database was then made using BLAST+ using this command line:
makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in 0-databases/AamoA.db_an96.aln_tax.annotated.fasta -out 0-databases/AamoA.db_an96.aln_tax.annotated
(Unless specified, the code presented in this document is written in bash.)
Sequences were directly downloaded from this website:, using as search query (Archaea[Organism]) AND 2000:99999999999999[Sequence Length]
. The ouput was then dowloaded using Send to file > FASTA format
. The sequences were downloaded on the 31st Oct. 2020.
The fasta file was save as 1-ncbi_arch_2000/1-raw_data/ncbi_nucl_arch_min2000.fasta
. This file contains 335,202 sequences.
grep "^>" 1-ncbi_arch_2000/1-raw_data/ncbi_nucl_arch_min2000.fasta | wc -l
> 335202
The archaeal RefSeq genomes were downloaded with ncbi-genome-download on the 7th of November 2020, using this command line:
mkdir 2-refseq_arch_genomes/
cd 2-refseq_arch_genomes/
ncbi-genome-download archaea --format fasta --assembly-level all --section refseq --output-folder 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq archaea
Then, genomes were unarchived using this script:
mkdir 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived
for file in 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq/refseq/archaea/GCF_*/*.fna.gz; do
echo $file
id=$(echo $file | cut -d "/" -f5)
echo $id
cp $file 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/${id}.fna.gz
gzip -d 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/${id}.fna.gz
How many genomes were downloaded?
ls -l 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/ | wc -l
> 1106
GeneBank genomes were downloaded following the instructions of this github repository : The genomes were downloaded on the 7th of November 2020 using these command lines:
Create folders:
mkdir 3-genbank_arch_genomes/
cd 3-genbank_arch_genomes/
mkdir 1-raw_data/
Download the list of archeal genomes:
mv assembly_summary.txt 1-raw_data/1-assembly_summary.txt
How many genomes are there?
wc -l 1-raw_data/1-assembly_summary.txt
> 5738
Get the ftp links:
less 1-raw_data/1-assembly_summary.txt | cut -f20 > 1-raw_data/2-ftp_links.txt
Download them all!
mkdir 1-raw_data/3-archaeal_genomes
for next in $(cat 1-raw_data/2-ftp_links.txt); do wget -P 1-raw_data/3-archael_genomes "$next"/*genomic.fna.gz; done
How many genomes were downloaded?
ls -lh 1-raw_data/3-archaeal_genomes/ | grep -v cds | grep -v rna |wc -l
> 5737
Then, for each dataset, the following script was applied. Each command must be executed from the respective dataset folder 1-ncbi_arch_2000/
, 2-refseq_arch_genomes/
, or 3-genbank_arch_genomes/
The script presented below is the one that was specifically used to analyse RefSeq genomes. The two other datasets were analysed with script slightly different. All 3 scripts can be found in this folder. They are labeled script1*.sh
and are actullay not executable.
mkdir 2-amoa_blast
This script blasts each genome in the folder to the archaeal amoA database and keeps the best hit. It adds to the last line of the blase output file the path to the genome.
for file in 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/*.fna; do
id=$(echo ${file##*\/} | cut -d "." -f1)
echo $id
blastn -query $file -db ../0-databases/AamoA.db_an96.aln_tax.annotated \
-outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -out 2-amoa_blast/1-${id}_blast.txt
awk -v a="$file" -F"," 'BEGIN { OFS = "\t" } {$2=a; print}' 2-amoa_blast/1-${id}_blast.txt > 2-amoa_blast/2-${id}_blast2.txt
cat 2-amoa_blast/2-* > 2-amoa_blast/3-cat_blast.txt
rm 2-amoa_blast/1-*
rm 2-amoa_blast/2-*
Extract the list of genomes that harbor an amoA gene:
less 2-amoa_blast/3-cat_blast.txt | cut -f13 | sort -u > 2-amoa_blast/4-amoa_genome_list.txt
mkdir 3-amoa_seqs
Extract amoA sequences with Samtools:
while read p; do
echo $p
start=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f7)
end=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f8)
seq=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f1)
file=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f13)
id=$(echo ${file##*\/} | cut -d "." -f1)
echo "samtools faidx $file ${seq}:${start}-${end} > 2-amoa_seqs/1-${id}_amoa.fasta"
samtools faidx $file ${seq}:${start}-${end} >> 3-amoa_seqs/1-amoa.fasta
done < 2-amoa_blast/3-cat_blast.txt
rm 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/*.fna.fai
Annotate them using Alves et al. database and QIIME1:
source activate qiime1 -i 3-amoa_seqs/1-amoa.fasta -t $qiime_tax -r $db_seq --similarity 0.9 \
-o 3-amoa_seqs/2-uclust_annotations/
source deactivate qiime1
mkdir 4-16S_genes
Find 16S rRNA genes with Barrnap:
while read p; do
id=$(echo ${p##*\/} | sed 's/.fna//')
barrnap $p --kingdom arc| grep 16S > 4-16S_genes/1-${id}_barrnap.txt
done < 2-amoa_blast/4-amoa_genome_list.txt
find 4-16S_genes/ -size 0 -delete
Extract 16S rRNA sequences with Samtools:
for file in 4-16S_genes/1-*; do
echo $file
id=$(echo $file | cut -d "-" -f3 | sed 's/_barrnap.txt//')
echo $id
while read p; do
seq=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f1)
start=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f4)
end=$(echo $p | cut -d " " -f5)
echo "samtools faidx 0-genomes/${id}.fasta ${seq}:${start}-${end} >> 4-16S_genes/2-${id}_16S.fasta"
samtools faidx 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/${id}.fna ${seq}:${start}-${end} >> 4-16S_genes/2-${id}_16S.fasta
done < $file
rm 1-raw_data/arch_genomes_refseq_unarchived/*.fna.fai
cat 4-16S_genes/2* > 4-16S_genes/3-all_16S_seq.fasta
This exectuable in-house R script merge the sequence and annotation files.
Rscript ../scripts/script2_amoa_16S_from_genomes.R
One hase to run script2_amoa_16S_from_contigs.R
for merging data from the NCBI nucleotide dataset.
Putting together all 16S sequences from the 3 datasets:
mkdir 4-concatenated_runs/
cd 4-concatenated_runs/
cat ../*/5-annotation_files/1-16S_db.fasta > 1-16S_3runs_3.fasta
Finding unique 16S rRNA genes:
vsearch --derep_fulllength 1-16S_3runs_3.fasta --output 2-unique_16S.fasta
List of unique 16S sequences headers:
grep "^>" 2-unique_16S.fasta | sed 's/>//' > 3-unique_16S_header_list.txt
Putting together all QIIME annotations from the 3 datasets:
cat ../*/5-annotation_files/2-16S_amoa_tax_qiime.txt > 4-16S_amoa_tax_qiime_3runs.txt
Subsetting the unique annotations, using R:
# Import files
header <- read.table("3-unique_16S_header_list.txt", header = FALSE)
annot <- read.table("4-16S_amoa_tax_qiime_3runs.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# Remove duplicated entries in the annotations
annot2 <- annot[!duplicated(annot$V1),]
# merge df
m <- merge(header, annot2)
# Export new file
write.table(m, "5-unique_16S_amoa_tax_qiime_3runs.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
Finally, concatenating all amoA sequences from the 3 dataset:
cat ../*/3-amoa_seqs/1-amoa.fasta > 6_amoa_seqs_3runs.fasta
The relevant output files of this pipeline can be accessed in this folder:
contains the unique (i.e. dereplicated) 16S rRNA sequences5-unique_16S_amoa_tax_qiime_3runs.txt
contains the corresponding amoA annotations, based on Alves et al. database.6_amoa_seqs_3runs.fasta
contains the corresponding amoA sequencing. This file was not dereplicated.
In order to annotate 16S rRNA from Thaumarchaeota, one can run the following code:
source activate qiime1 -i 16S_seq_Thaumarchaeota.fasta -t 4-concatenated_runs/5-unique_16S_amoa_tax_qiime_3runs.txt -r 4-concatenated_runs/2-unique_16S.fasta --similarity 0.9 \
-o uclust_annotations/
source deactivate qiime1