- Identify and describe the core JavaScript types: strings, numbers, objects, arrays, undefined/null, and booleans.
- Describe the difference between let and const, and describe when each is useful.
- Describe the relationship between state and view in an application.
- Increment numerical state, stored in a let, in response to a user event (usually a click).
- Derive implicit numerical state using explicitly tracked numerical state.
- When updating numerical state on click, update the DOM to reflect the new state to the user.
- Create an array of primitive values and access any item in that array by index using bracket notation
- Use document.getElementById to ‘grab’ a DOM element by id
- Add an event listener to a 'grabbed' button element and call a function (console.log , alert , etc) inside that event listener.
- On click, manipulate the textContent, style.color, and style.backgroundColor of a DOM element with a hard-coded string value
- On click, use classList.toggle() to add a css class to a DOM element.
- Describe the difference between declaring and calling a function.
- Describe the benefits and risks of both WET (write everything twice) and DRY (don't repeat yourself) code
- Write an impure function to bundle and reuse DOM manipulation that is repeated multiple times
- Use Math.random to get a random item from an array
- Use a truthy/falsey expression in an if/else statement to perform an action conditionally
- Describe the difference between (and give examples of) true and truthy, false and falsey values.
- Call the handleGuess functions first inside event handlers
- Pass the correct arguments to the handleGuess functions
- Finish the handleGuess declaration
User should be able to . . . | |
Visit the deployed pages on GitHub pages, with link in the About section of the Github repo | 1 |
See three hiding places, with a button beneath each of them. | 1 |
Events . . . | |
On clicking a hiding place button, the total number of guesses increment | 1 |
On clicking the correct hiding place button, the total number of correct guesses increment | 1 |
On clicking the incorrect hiding place button, the number of incorrect guesses increments | 1 |
On click, see the correct hiding place's image change, clearing out the previous correct guess style | 1 |
Functions | |
IMPURE: getRandomHidingSpot() : returns random item from given array |
2 |
IMPURE: handleGuess(userGuess, correctSpot) |
2 |
- keep track of how many times the user guesses each spot (tree: 4, shed: 3, etc)
- imagine a hide and seek game with two hiders. make it so there are 5 hiding spots and two places count as correct (with styles correctly applied).
- track and display a 'history' of all the user's choices
- track and display a history of all the actual hiding spots