This package provides an easy way to extract data from static HTML pages based on a schema definition.
Use the composer to install this package.
composer require alefcastelo/crawler
use Crawler\DocumentBuilder;
use Crawler\Parser\AssocArrayParser;
use Crawler\Properties;
use Crawler\Property;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$url = $argv[1];
$document = (new DocumentBuilder())->createFromURL($url);
$properties = new Properties();
$properties->add(new Property([
'name' => 'title',
'type' => 'string',
'xpath' => '<XPATH>',
'context' => [],
], $document));
$properties->add(new Property([
'name' => 'body',
'type' => 'string',
'xpath' => '<XPATH>',
'context' => [],
], $document));
echo json_encode((new AssocArrayParser($properties))->parse(), JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR).PHP_EOL;
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.