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Insights Inventory

This project is the home of the host-based inventory for the Insights Platform.

Getting Started

This project uses pipenv to manage the development and deployment environments. To set the project up for development do the following:

pipenv install --dev

Afterwards you can activate the virtual environment by running:

pipenv shell

Included is a docker-compose file dev.yml that will start a postgres database that is useful for development.

docker-compose -f dev.yml up

Initialize/update the database tables

Run the following commands to run the db migration scripts which will maintain the db tables.

The database migration scripts determine the DB location, username, password and db name from the INVENTORY_DB_HOST, INVENTORY_DB_USER, INVENTORY_DB_PASS and INVENTORY_DB_NAME environment variables.

python db upgrade

By default the database container will use a bit of local storage so that data you enter will be persisted across multiple starts of the container. If you want to destroy that data do the following:

docker-compose down

Running the Tests

It is possible to run the tests using pytest:

pytest --cov=.

Or you can run the tests individually:


Depending on the environment, it might be necessary to set the DB related environment variables (INVENTORY_DB_NAME, INVENTORY_DB_HOST, etc).

Running the server

Prometheus was designed to run in a multi-threaded environment whereas gunicorn uses a multi-process architecture. As a result, there is some work to be done to make prometheus integrate with gunicorn.

A temp directory for prometheus needs to be created before the server starts. The prometheus_multiproc_dir environment needs to point to this directory. The contents of this directory need to be removed between runs.

A command to run the server in a cluster.

gunicorn -c --log-config=$INVENTORY_LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE run

Running the server locally for development. In this case it’s not necessary to care about the Prometheus temp directory or to set the prometheus_multiproc_dir environment variable. This is done automatically.


Configuration environment variables


To force an ssl connection to the db set INVENTORY_DB_SSL_MODE to "verify-full" and provide the path to the certificate you'd like to use.

Using the legacy api

 export INVENTORY_LEGACY_API_URL="/r/insights/platform/inventory/api/v1"


The application provides some management information about itself. These endpoints are exposed at the root path / and thus are accessible only from inside of the deployment cluster.

  • /health responds with 200 to any GET requests, point your liveness or readiness probe here.
  • /metrics offers metrics and monitoring intended to be pulled by Prometheus.
  • /version responds with a json doc that contains the build version info (the value of the OPENSHIFT_BUILD_COMMIT environment variable)

API Documentation

The API is described by an OpenAPI specification file swagger/api/api.spec.yaml. The application exposes a browsable Swagger UI Console at /r/insights/platform/inventory/api/v1/ui/.


The Insights Inventory service is responsible for storing information about hosts and deduplicating hosts as they are reported. The Inventory service uses the canonical facts to perform the deduplication. The canonical facts are:

  • insights_id
  • rhel_machine_id
  • subscription_manager_id
  • satellite_id
  • bios_uuid
  • ip_addresses
  • fqdn
  • mac_addresses
  • external_id

Hosts are added and updated by sending a POST to the /hosts endpoint. (See the API Documentation for more details on the POST method). This method returns an id which should be used to reference the host by other services in the Insights platform.

Overview of the deduplication process

If the update request includes an insights_id, then the inventory service will lookup the host using the insights_id. If the inventory service finds a host with a matching insights_id, then the host will be updated and the canonical facts from the update request will replace the existing canonical facts.

If the update request does not include an insights_id, then the canonical facts will be used to lookup the host. If the canonical facts from the update request are a subset or a superset of the previously stored canonical facts, then the host will be updated and any new canonical facts from the request will be added to the existing host entry.

If the canonical facts based lookup does not locate an existing host, then a new host entry is created.

Host deletion

Hosts can be deleted by using the DELETE HTTP Method on the /hosts/id endpoint. When a host is deleted, the inventory service will send an event message to the message queue. The delete event message will look like the following:

  {"id": <host id>,
   "timestamp": <delete timestamp>,
   "type": "delete",
   "account": <account number>,
   "insights_id": <insights id>,
   "request_id": <request id>
  • type: type of host change (delete in this case)
  • id: Inventory host id of the host that was deleted
  • timestamp: the time at which the host was deleted
  • account: the account number associated with the host that was deleted
  • insights_id: the insights_id of the host that was deleted
  • request_id: the request_id from the DELETE REST invocation that triggered the delete message

Testing API Calls

It is necessary to pass an authentication header along on each call to the service. For testing purposes, it is possible to set the required identity header to the following:

x-rh-identity: eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6IHsiYWNjb3VudF9udW1iZXIiOiAiMDAwMDAwMSIsICJpbnRlcm5hbCI6IHsib3JnX2lkIjogIjAwMDAwMSJ9fX0=

This is the Base64 encoding of the following JSON document:

{"identity": {"account_number": "0000001", "internal": {"org_id": "000001"}}}


This repository uses pre-commit to check and enforce code style. It uses Black to reformat the Python code and Flake8 to check it afterwards. Other formats and text files are linted as well.

Install pre-commit hooks to your local repository by running:

$ pre-commit install

After that, all your commited files will be linted. If the checks don’t succeed, the commit will be rejected. Please make sure all checks pass before submitting a pull request. Thanks!


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  • Python 99.4%
  • Other 0.6%