DadBot is a Discord Bot created using discord.js, as well as APIs from icanhazdadjoke, Giphy, and YouTube combined to create the ultimate user experience, guaranteed to make anybody groan in embarassment.
Command | Description |
/dad-joke | Returns a random Dad joke. |
/search-joke | Returns a joke about the topic you enter. |
/add-joke | Allows user to add a joke. |
/my-jokes | Returns a list your submitted jokes. |
/my-jokes-random | Returns a random joke from your submissions. |
/dad-gif | Returns a random dad joke gif. |
/get-dads | Returns the devs information. |
!dad-help | Returns a Youtube video. |
1: After opening, open terminal
2: In terminal, node index.js
3: Then, node lib/youtube-search/youtube.js
4: Have fun my child!