OmeSliCC is designed to convert slides from common formats, to optimal OME formats for deep learning.
This includes converting from Omero and extracting metadata as label information.
For support and discussion, please use the forum and post to the forum with the tag 'OmeSliCC'.
- Import WSI files: Omero, Ome.tiff, Tiff, basic image formats, Zarr*, Ome Zarr*
- Export images: Ome.tiff, Zarr*, Ome Zarr*, thumbnails
- Image scaling using target magnification
- Channel operations: split channels
- Export meta-data: Ome.tiff, csv
- Omero credentials helper
*Zarr currently partially implemented. Also see OME NGFF
OmeSliCC is 100% Python and can be run as follows:
- On a local environment using requirements.txt
- With conda environment using the conda yaml file
- As Docker container
To start the conversion pipeline:
python --params path/to/params.yml
See params.yml for an example parameter file. The main sections are:
- input: providing either a file/folder path, or Omero URL
- output: specifying the location and desired format of the output
- actions: which actions to perform:
- info: show input file information
- thumbnail: extract image thumbnail
- convert: convert to desired image output
- labels: extract Omero metadata
To encode credentials for Omero access:
python --params path/to/params.yml
To extract Omero label metadata to text file use the 'labels' action, or use:
python --params path/to/params.yml
The Open Microscopy Environment (OME) project
The Francis Crick Institute
- The Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence team
- The Turajlic lab