Create a IMDB.com like website with basic CRUD operations
Application specifics (minimum requirements)
- Screen to list all movies with Name, Year of release and all Actors of that movie.
- Screen to ‘add’ a new movie with the necessary fields with existing actors. If the user wants to add new ‘Actors' while creating the movie which are not present in the database then he should be able to do so while being on the same screen.
- Listing screen should allow user to click on Edit and edit all the details of the movie and save it would be nice.
Lets begin!
Title no | Title Name |
1 | Description |
2 | Live Demo |
3 | Libraries |
4 | Validations |
5 | Database |
6 | Screenshots |
7 | Gif's |
I have used two Approaches
- React-Firebase Application
- AspCore-React-Firebase Application
(There are two task applications one developed using React and firebase and other one developed using AspCore based React and Firebase)
This repository is for React-Firebase based Application.
For AspCore-React-Firebase based Application code refer the below repository.
Click here for AspCore-React-Firebase repo
In case if you want to check it live Click here for live demo
React Bootsrap was used for the UI and basic form elements. Below Libraries were used for the elements that were not available in above library. react-datepicker for date of birth. react-multiselect-checkboxes for cast selection operation. react-firebase-file-uploader for poster uploading operation.
Datatables.net was used for movie listing operation.
Movie name:
Check if movie name is empty. Check if movie is already present in database.
Year of release:
Check if year of release is empty. Check if year of release is number.
Plot :
Check if plot is empty.
Check if poster upload is empty. Image displayed in small div(thumbnail) instantly after uploading for conformation.
Check if cast selected is empty.
Actor name:
Check if actor name is empty. Check if actor is already present in database.
Check if sex radio is empty.
Date of birth:
Check if date of birth selected is empty.
Check if bio entered is empty.
(Optional) Check this guide if you want to setup new database or import the database
1. Create Movie Page:
**2. Add Actor Page: **
3. Edit Movie Page
4. Movie List Page
5. Database Screenshot
Search box with search by word,number functionality along with sort by column functionality.
Cast field search and checkbox functionality
Thank you for providing me this opportunity. I really enjoyed working on it.