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This chrome extension sends captions to servers to perform analytics and return feedback to the sender. Thanks to the author of google-meet-transcripts, the extension is first created to read live caption in Google Meet, and evolved to capture subtitles in Zoom and Chrome built-in speech recognition generated transcript rendered in the proprietary area of the extension by this extension.

The chrome extension will post the data to two of your servers to analyze or record live transcript. The one endpoint is to perform caption analysis and the other is to send the latest lines of caption to record in a storage, in the sample, a Google spreadsheet. Those two endpoints are independent from each other and can be called separately. This YouTube video will show the screen interaction in the browser. Updated behaviors are included in YouTube video (Aug. 30, 2021) and YouTube clip for v1.0.3 (to be updated soon 1, 2, and 3 ). V1.0.3.2 introduces tentative code blocks to import texts and use them for vocab coverage (here clip will be available soon). V1.0.3.3 has an updated features in prompt backend to inform learners about one's overused words (shown here).

From the version 1.0.4, users must authenticate through Google account to prove their identity. The sample application reads your account information shown in the popup after you explicitly "Sign in with Google" to continue to the server, as the prompt popup shows "To continue, Google will share your name, email address, ... with Live caption analytics." OAuth must be configured for your servers.

Enable language-tool-python (included in requirements.txt) to enjoy the real-time grammatical check. The feature is available from the latest version For the details of LanguageTool, please visit LanguageTool site.

Building blocks

live-caption-analytics has three building blocks listed below.

1) chrome extension part captures live caption and send (request) the portion to servers configured in option settings for the extension, and then receive (response) and render the response from the server. The extension is publicly available from here.

2) analysis receives the caption data from the extension and will perform due calculations to return the response to the sender. The extension users can configure three options and can interact with the UI to control the POST requests to the endpoints, which are /, /log, /show, /notification, /caption, (/render_in_full, /prompt_check from v1.0.3 and /show_list,/get_vocab, /personalize_session from v1.0.3.1.n, /personalize_session_settings). The associated sample sites at the server include /lca/sample_speaking_session and /lca_status/sample_session_copy.

3) record sends the current caption line to a POST endpoint. The endpoint can be a Google spreadsheet as in the sample in the folder peripheral_functions/Google spreadsheet. The POST enabled spreadsheet will update the received data to the dedicated sheet.

Each section is stored in the following paths.

/src             <-- 1) chrome extension          <---2) analysis - sample implementation  <-- 3) record - snippet to publish and will listen to POST calls <---4) analysis - sample implementation for vocabulary profile
                                   and for vocabulary suggestion <---5) analysis - sample implementation for retriving stored caption
/template and /static
                   <---6) analysis - sample pages for Chrome built-in and independent window


1) chrome extension can be added via "Add to Chrome" from here or via Load unpackaged extension from chrome://extensions by loading it from the folder src.

2) analysis will start to listen simply by executing the Supply host and port in the argument. Configure the destination in the extention option Server URL to record captions. Running the script will create a sqllite database under the filename of test.db. Execute once to add tables and download nltk.

3) record will receive caption once a Google spreadsheet has the sample in a file and doPost is set up as a site in deploy. Configure the destination in the extention option Server URL to record for Google Spreadsheet.

4) zero client installation is required to receive analytics results if access is grant to a session.


User documentation for the extension will be updated in doc folder of the repo and in the Live caption analytics section of my website (here).


Aside from the chrome extensions and key functions in analysis and record, sample features for analysis are provided and listed below.

1) synonym suggestion shows you synonyms of your spoken words.

2) word frequency shows how often you use individual words.

3) fluency shows how fluent you are in a-few-seconds segments. One to a few seconds chunk will be shown in each line.

4) turn taking shows how much each speaker speaks among others.

5) caption retrieval shows lines of captions interlaced with highlighted points through /log POST requests.

6) Independent window shows pseudo page that is mostly identical to the capturing page interposed by extension at a destination /lca_status/sample_session_copy

7) Dump shows all the results from available functions /render_in_full

8) Built-in recognition uses Chrome built-in speech recognition to feed the data into the server. This allows users to capture their utterance at any service tentatively restricted to three domains - localhost/lca,, and (at /lca/sample_speaking_session).

9) Prompt shows a prompt to solicit inputs initiated from server side

10) coverage shows the use of pre-selected word in a session (configured in session_settings table)

11) retrieval shows the list of vocabulary at a site (WIP: and reflect those into a DB table).

12) personalization allows the learners to configure the lists of vocabulary to avoid, rephrase, and cover in /personalize_session_settings.

13) start page (/) allows users to start pages to change settings for the features above, previously covered only in links written for each function.

14) list sessions shows the recorded sessions for the authenticated user (at list_session).

15) calling functions configures the features to show for the authenticated user (at /personalize_calling_function).

16) authenticate other users permit other users for the session of others through token or email address (in /personalize_session_accept_authorization and /personalize_session_authorization).

17) drag elements configures the positions of screen elements through an icon.

18) zero client installation allows logged-on user to see real-time analytics results.

19) live grammatical check notifies grammatical errors in real-time.

(In pipeline)

Candidate 0: update pandas to version 2.0 on

  • Convert DataFrame append to concat

Candidate 1: target vocabulary will show the target language for a single session or cross sessions. Checkboxes will be ticked once a word is used in the session. This may use SRS from apps.

  • Show list of words to cover (arbitrary option string to define the target words)
  • Store the target words for each session (available from v1.0.3)
  • Create a list of words for session through context analysis of external site
  • Extract and arrange word/phrase/content through integrated analysis of
    • WordNet, WordNet Domains
    • General Service List
    • English Vocabulary Profile
    • English Grammar Profile (potential use of classifying EGP through regular expression proposed by CEFR-J Grammar Profile)
    • Universal/Dewey Decimal Classification (available in WordNet Domains)
    • finally CEFR descriptor/competency/can do.

Candidate 2: authentication or user management will enable user management in the sample server application. This may include other authentication providers such as Facebook.

  • allow other users to access the session recorded by the owner of the session

Candidate 3: other voice interactions will enable users to capture other sites.

  • interactions on specific sites (Twitter Spaces)
  • interactions to capture through option settings

Candidate 4: Grammatical structure analysis will notify users about their use of complex structures.


1) vocabulary profile CEFR-J Wordlist is used in the program and included in this repo.

The CEFR-J Wordlist Version 1.5. Compiled by Yukio Tono, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Retrieved from on 25/08/2020.

Octanove Vocabulary Profile C1/C2 (ver 1.0) — vocabulary list annotated with CEFR-J levels (for C1/C2 levels), created by Octanove Labs. Retrieved on 04/08/2021

2) New General Service List NGSL is used in the program and included in this repo.

The New General Service List 1.1. compiled by Browne, C., Culligan, B. & Phillips, J. Retrieved from on 14/09/2020. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.


Below are major changes.

Date Version Changes
20250108 v1.0.4.8 Critical fix: locate transcription area for Google Meet (failed to locate transcription area at some point in the past)
20230212 v1.0.4.6 Minor fix: remove unintended behavior that had hidden feedback from LCA when the user turns on recording.
20230114 v1.0.4.5 Usability: remove the URL restriction for Google Meet.
20230110 v1.0.4.4 Usability: set a boundary to the bottom of pane to preserve Meet control buttons.
Usability: launch configuratory screens through the list of sessions.
Funtionallity: live grammatical check
20221223 v1.0.4.3-1 Usability: zero client installation to allow logged-on user to see the screen
20220812 v1.0.4.3 Critical fix: time transcription start time for Google Meet
Usability: drag screen elements, configure calling functions in menu.
Authentication: generate token or list email address to give access to other users.
20220706 v1.0.4.2 Critical fix: locate transcription area for Google Meet (failed to locate transcription area at some point)
20211225 v1.0.4.1 Usability: provide Chrome built-in languages
Authentication: require explit permission consent to use Google speech to text
20211112 v1.0.4.0-1 Minor fix:stabilize retrieve site text
20211110 v1.0.4.0 Authentication: authenticate through Google account
Usability:add Start page to access features and download for caption and vocabulary frequency
20211005 v1.0.3.5 Major fix: extension not shown in Google Meet
20211001 v1.0.3.4 Configuration: place elements and apply changes immediately
Domains: add a part of *.net domains
20210928 v1.0.3.3 Personalization: change vocabulary to work on
DB filename: from test.db to main.db
minor fixes: refrain from focusing on participant list
20210923 v1.0.3.2 Configuration: change session id and text color
20210922 v1. Coverage: Vocab game
20210921 v1. Retrieval: Search candidates of words and write to DB
NGSL: as in-depth classification
20210919 v1.0.3.1 Minor fixes. Add element position option
20210918 v1.0.3 Independent window: pseudo page that replicates extension capture
Dump: show all the results from available functions
Built-in recognition: use Chrome built-in speech recognition
Prompt: show a prompt to solicit inputs initiated from server side
Session_settings: the table is added. Available keys for session are
  • vocab_to_cover and phrase_to_cover: value entries with the key will list the words and its use in the session.
    Get vocab from an external site: (TODO: .py to be added - in the future commits)
  • 20210911 v1.0.2 Zoom: zoomification to capture transcript in zoom subtitle area powered by 3rd party services (test drive done with
    20210905 v1.0.1 Options: arbitrary option string in chrome extension option to configure what to show.
    Usability: always show extension screen buttons
    20210827 v1 Released


    Send captions to servers to perform analytics and return feedback to the sender







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