- you can find the prototype in figma.
[Figma link](https://www.figma.com/file/vLsV7zUzx2ZE0UvLKhu1qL/Main-page?type=design&node-id=26%3A5&t=fHLlhUBaGu8b1dX6-1)
- Make a community for reaching high quality.
- You can sign up the application with your e-mail and phone number.
- If you create a new account once, you wont need to sign up again. Can access the account with your name and password.
- You can explore restaurants with a variety of different options.
- Search restaurant.
- Add the restaurant to 'my favorites' once and can easily access to it always.
-You can search among your favourites.
- Add comments and rate restaurants.
- View previous comments.
- Change the language. The available options are English and Turkish.
- Find out where the restaurant is on Google Maps.
- access comments.
- view th menu.
- add the favorites.
- Change the name, email and password of the user.