Summarize-Webpage, Powered by LessenText.
Motivation of this project to make production ready API for Text Summarization Algorithm and leverage it for the real-world use cases. This project implements a NLP algorithm using Python and serves using flask API.
You need to manually clone or download this repository. Project is ready to run (with some requirements).
You need to run
file in your development environment.
Open, customize project files and have fun.
The suggested way is to use python virtual environment
. The project is developed using python 3.7.1
This project uses very simple python web framework called Flask, which is very easy to learn and adopt. (even scale!!!)
The NLTK - Natural Language ToolKit is used for the Text Summarization Algorithm implementation.
The HTML Template used in this project is Stanley - Bootstrap Freelancer Template.
- Vanilla Javascript
- Vanilla CSS
Run requirements.txt to install the required python packages.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
| |──justext
| |──parser
jusText (the original framework) is developed by
is modified code fromjusText
which is a Heuristic based boilerplate removal tool. The original code is modified to parse some of the tags(i.e, <P>, <li>, <b>, <H1>...<H6>), etc
- Please note that, this project only uses English stopwords from the original project.
We're using jusText framework to download the webcontent and parse it using
creates list ofParagraph
object which has following properties:
1. is_heading -> boolean
:: returns true if paragraph is heading (<H1>...<H6>)
2. is_list_set -> boolean
:: returns true if paragraph is list tag (<li>)
3. is_paragraph -> boolean
:: returns true if paragraph is paragraph tag (<p>)
4. is_first_paragraph(self):
:: returns true if the paragraph is the first paragraph from the content.
5. text(self):
:: get the text content of the paragraph without any tags
| |──
This is the core module of this project: The implementation of the Summarization Algorithm.
Word_Frequency_Summarization: Summarization implementation using word frequency.
Please refer the Article: Text summarization in 5 steps using NLTK
Important: This project has implemented slightly modified version of the Algorithm, where scoring the sentences method considers the web Text properties such as Header or list text.
i.e, it gives more weighing to Header or Bold text than normal text.
# All weightage for structure doc
# Important: These scores are for the experimenting purpose only
for word in words:
if paragraph.is_list_set:
if word in highlighted_words:
if word.isnumeric() and len(word) >= 2:
if paragraph.is_first_paragraph:
word = ps.stem(word)
if word in stopWords:
if word in freqTable:
freqTable[word] += weight
freqTable[word] = weight
This way we can give extra weightage to words which are part of the headers or list. This way we can give more importnace to such words.
Idea: Play with the weightage and see the difference in the result!
What if we want to make our Algorithm as servable API? (SAAS startup ???) Yes! we can do that, The is flask module which serves an API that summarize the webpage
# `summarize` method takes webpage url as argument and returns the summarized text as json object
@app.route('/v1/summarize', methods=['GET'])
def summarize():
This is a GET API which can be queried easily using CURL, Postman or your favourite browser.
ie, GET /v1/summarize?url=
OR via browser
├ ├──index.html
├ ├──assets
├ ├ ├──css
├ ├ ├──js
The following interface takes the website url and request the API we've developed using ajax.
url: baseUrl + "?url=" + mediumURL
}).then(function(data) {
processSummary(mediumURL, data.summary);
The API response is displayed on the HTML page using javascript.
var summary = document.createElement('p');
summary.innerHTML = "<b>Summary</b>: " + summaryData;
Feel free to raise an issue for bug or feature request And pull request for any kind of improvements.
If you find this project interesting, you can do pretty more now, followings ideas might help you.
- We can customize the API by adding more options to manipulate the output. ie, summary length, ignoring list text, etc
- Display list of sentences instead of paragraph.
- Create chrome plugin and highlight the sentences.
This application uses Open Source components. You can find the source code of their open source projects along with license information below.
I acknowledge and is grateful to these developers for their contributions to open source.
Project: Heuristic based boilerplate removal tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Jan Pomikalek <[email protected]> Copyright (c) 2013, Michal Belica. All Rights Reserved.
License (2-Clause BSD)
Project: Stanley - HTML theme by TemplateMag (
Copyrights Stanley. All Rights Reserved.
Licensing information: