A REST API that allows users to submit links of images with falling into various categories, which can be later queried by other users to use as placeholder images. The users can perform basic CRUD operations on the databases using the API. A user must sign up to post and update their images, but the images can be used without signing up.
This API is written in NodeJS using express library to make the web application to handle the HTTP requests. MongoDB is used as the database to store the links to the images and user information.
The API is secured using bcrypt for passwords and jsonwebtokens (JWT) is used to presist login sessions rather than cookies.
Install Node.js: https://nodejs.org.
💡 This repository was written in node version 16.15.0. Make sure the version is appropriate using
node --version
Install MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community
💡 The code uses mongoose version 6.3.5. It is automatically initialized.
# clone repository and go into the folder
git clone https://github.com/ajith01/PhotoEngine-images-API.git
cd PhotoEngine-images-API
# install required modules
npm i
# run code
node server.js
HTTP verbs | /images | /images/:imageid |
GET | (Optional Arugements, ?number=50) Returns 50 (by default) randomly selected images | Returns the image with the image ID |
POST | (Optional Arugements, requires login ) Adds an url of an image to the database | - |
PUT | - | ( requires login ) Replace the image document with a new Object |
PATCH | - | ( requires login ) Replace or adds a feild to the image document |
DELETE | - | ( requires login ) Deletes the an image document |
HTTP verbs | /cart | /user/:name |
GET | (requires login ) Get a list of all collection | Get a particular collection |
POST | (requires login ) Create a new collection | - |
PUT | - | ( requires login ) Replace the collection with a new empty collection |
PATCH | - | ( requires login ) Replace or adds a feild to the collection |
DELETE | Delete all collections | ( requires login ) Deletes a particular collection |
HTTP verbs | /user/:name/image | /user/:name/image/:imageID |
GET | (requires login ) Get all the images in the collection | (requires login ) Get a particular image in a collection |
POST | (requires login ) add a new image to a collection | - |
PUT | - | ( requires login ) Replace the the image document with a new image document |
PATCH | - | ( requires login ) Replace or adds a feild to the image document |
DELETE | Delete all collections | ( requires login ) Deletes a image |