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Inventory Management System

An Inventory management system enables a company to maintain a centralized record of every asset and item in the control of the organization, providing a single source of truth for the location of every item, vendor and supplier information, specifications, and the total number of a particular item currently in stock.

Repository Files

Files What they Contains ?
IMS.ipynb Inventory Management System Jupyter Notebook Code
originalRecord.json Original record file contained all the initial item details in .json format
salesRecord.json Updated record file after Buy/Add/Update operation
purchaseRecord.json Purchased history of customer, it can be access by their unique customer id

It would be better if you watch the demonstration video Demo Video


  • Buy multiple product

    • Can Inform when the product is not available in the stock.
    • Can Inform when the product quatity in stock is less than customer demand.
  • Update the item details

    • Product Name, Category, Unit Price, Qyantity, Discount Available
    • Can alert if the product is not available and ask you to add it instead of updating it.
  • Add the new items in the stock.

    • Can alert if the product is already available and ask you to update it instead of adding it.
  • Print the purchase detail using the unique customer id.

  • Generate well indented bills.

  • Print the inventory list.

Product Feature

- Stored/updated in salesRecord.json 
    - Product ID
    - Product Name
    - Product Categoery
    - Product Quantity available in stock
    - Product Unit Price
    - Product Discount Available
    - Product Stock Price

Bill Feature

- Date/Time of Purchase
- Product ID
- Product Name
- Quantity
- Discount
- Total Price after Discount
- Grand Total


Transaction Feature

- Stored in purchasedRecord.json

    - Customer ID
    - Product ID
    - Product Name
    - Purchased quantity
    - Total Price
    - Purchase date & time

Purchased Record

Working of Code


● Press 'A' - To Add new product in the inventory

                - Call checkItem() funtion, to check wether it is already present in the inventory or not

                    - If present, throw a message that it is already available in the inventory, you need to update it and call updateItem() function
                    - If it is not there then it will call addItem() funtion

● Press 'B' - To Buy mutiple products at a time

                - Ask you to enter the product id:
                    - If the product id is not available, then it will ask you to enter a valid product id
                    - If the product id will available:

                            - Then ask you to enter the product quantity that you want to buy:
                            - If required product quantity is available in stock:
                                    - It will update the product quantity and product stock price in products dict
                                    - Save the purchased date/time, product name, quantity and total price
                                    - Call purchaseRecord() funtion to store the details of sold product in json format
                                    - Save the purchased item and quantity in purchased list
                                    - And ask you "To press (y/n) for continuing buying"

                            - If required product quantity is not available stock:
                                    - It will thorw a message "Sorry!" with the qantity available in the stock
                                    - And ask you "To press (y/n) for continuing buying"

                    - Generate a well indented bill with all required things using the purchased list
                            - Print store name, email address of the owner
                            - Print the date and time of purchase
                            - Print the list of item purchased:
                                    - Product ID, Product Name, Unit price, Discount, Total price after discount
                                    - Grand Total
                            - Message "Thank You, Please do come again"

● Press 'C' - To Print product list

● Press 'D' - To Update product details in the inventory

                - Call checkItem() funtion, to check wether it is already present in the inventory or not

                    - If present, then it will call updateItem() funtion 
                    - If it is not there then throw a message that it is not available in the inventory, you need to add it and call addItem() function

● Press 'P' - To print the purchase detail of Customer with their customer id.
                - Call purchaseDetial() funtion and ask to enter customer id.

● Press 'E' - To Exit

Alert Screenshots

  • When Buy:

    • Product is not available in the stock.
    • Product quantity available in the stock is less than demand. Not available
  • When Add:

    • Product is already available in the stock "Update it". available
  • When Update:

    • Product is not available in the stock "Add it". Not available

Software Used

IDE - Jupyter Notebook

Language - Pyhton3

🚀 About Me

I'm Aman Kumar, a 2nd year undergraduate of IIT Kharagpur. I am an aspiring programmer wish to solve problem by the mean of logic, maths and programming.

I have successfully completed my first mini project of Inventory Management System given by ETG in Skill India Python for ML/AI Internship. Thanks for giving us such a great opportunity to enhance our skills.

🔗 Contact Me








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