The purpose of the project is to provide a quick overview about the activity and the engagement related to a twitter profile. The account analyzed is related to the italian politician Matteo Salvini because his profile is placed among the most active Twitter profiles in Italy.
Here's the pipeline
- Scraping: gather tweets with the library Twint. This library allows to collect almost the entire activity of a user without limitations
- Data Profiling: quick transformations (casting and field drop/rename) made with Pandas and PdPipe
- Data Visualization: made with Plotly and obtained the following plots:
- Tables exposing:
- All the collected tweets
- Top 5 retweeted posts
- Top 5 replied posts
- Top 5 liked posts
- Engagement overview over the time
- Number of tweets progression
- Number of likes progression
- Numbers of retweets progression
- Number of replies progression
- Waffle chart to show the overall activity on weekday and month
- Tables exposing:
- Data Consumption: static report made with Datapane
Name | Link |
Twint | |
pdPipe | |
pysqldf | |
Seaborn | |
Ploltly | |
Datapane | |