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Incoming Messages

artsince edited this page Sep 11, 2014 · 1 revision

As of version 1.9, QuickOSC controls have support for incoming OSC messages for setting labels, OSC messages to send as well as the value of the controllers.

General Syntax

The standard layout for QuickOSC contains 16 buttons, 8 toggles and 4 sliders. Each controller has a unique identifier that is made up of controller type prefix plus the controller index.

For buttons, OSC messages for the first button should start with /btn1/

For toggles, OSC messages for the first toggle should start with /tog1/

For seekBars, OSC messages for the first seekbar should start with /sb1/

Use the same logic to send messages to other controllers.

OSC Messages for Buttons

  • /bntN/msgButtonPressed <args>: set OSC message to be sent on button pressed
  • /btnN/msgButtonReleased <args>: set OSC message to be sent on button released
  • /btnN/triggerOnButtonReleased <1|0>: set whether or not OSC should be triggered on button released.
  • /btnN/label <arg>: set the displayed name of the button

OSC Messages for Toggles

  • /togN/msgToggledOn <args>: set OSC message to be sent on toggled on
  • /togN/msgToggledOff <args>: set OSC message to be sent on toggled off
  • /togN/value <1|0>: set the state of the toggle
  • /togN/labelOn <arg>: set toggle label for the on state
  • /togN/labelOff <arg>: set toggle label for off state

OSC Messages for SeekBars

  • /sbN/msgValueChanged: set OSC message to be sent on value changed. Use $ chararacter as the place holder for the calculated numeric value of the seekbar progress.
  • /sbN/range <min> <max>: set the min and max values of the output value
  • /sbN/value <arg>: set the value of the controller

Save Template

  • /save: saves the current OSC settings
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