Admin | Merchant | User
basic operations- Login and Register Admin only login
- Reset Password
- verify Email only user and Merchant
- OTP to verify Phone Number TWILLIO Service
- CRUD operations based on the responsiblities
Payment IntergrationSTRIPE
Payment IntergrationRedis
cache serverAlgolia
Elastic searchSHOPPING Cart
in the case of using session (front-end application)FACEBOOK & GITHUB
automation testingMalitrap
for mailing service in productionMailTrap
for mailing service in TestingQueues and Jobs
(Redis Driver)Github Actions
Fork this Repository
change the current directory to project path ex:
cd ecommerce
make the database folder
mkdir mysql
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
alert: if there is a server running in your machine, you should stop it or change port 80 in docker-compose.yml to another port(8000)
install dependencies with composer
cd src && composer install
, if you are in a production server and composer is not installed, you can install the dependencies from docker environmentdocker-compose exec php /bin/sh
then,composer install
docker-compose exec php php /var/www/html/artisan migrate --seed
docker-compose exec php php /var/www/html/artisan test
to run all tests and make sure everything is OK -
docker-compose exec php php /var/www/html/artisan queue:work redis --tries=2
to start the Queue -
import the database in POSTMAN and begin your work
Info: if you want only the Laravel project,
copy the /src folder to wherever you want and make database with name store , then generate key
php artisan key:generate
, then php artisan serve