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Organisation Crawler


This library tracks how outdated your GitHub organisation dependencies are.

The organisation Crawler uses the GitHub GraphQL API to extract all of a GitHub organisation's repositories and their internal and external dependencies. The current version of dependencies of the crawled repositories are found using DependencyGraphManifest GraphQL object. The latest versions of the dependencies are requested from npm/rubygem/pypi API, it uses client-side rate limiter when querying these APIs.

These information are aggregated and returned as a json object which has a schema, this object can then be used to present the data.

Package Managers support

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Ruby

Output schema

RepoMap: Map<ID, Object> = {
    ID: {
        name: ID= "NAME",
        version: SemVer = VERSION,
        link: string = "LINK",
        internal: bool = IS_INTERNAL,
        archived: bool = IS_ARCHIVED,
        lastUpdated: string = DATE
        languageVersion?: string = "LANGUAGE_VERSION",
		oldName?: string = "OLD_NAME"
DependencyList: Object[] = [
        dep: ID = ID,
        dependencies: [int, SemVer] = [
            [ID, VERSION],

Example usage

The only function that is needed to generate the json data is getJsonStructure:

import { getJsonStructure } from "evergreen-org-crawler"

// function getJsonStructure(accessToken: string, targetOrganisation: string, config: Configuration, { toUse, crawlStart, useCachedData }?: {
//     toUse?: string[];
//     crawlStart?: string | null;
//     useCachedData?: boolean;
// }): Promise<string>;

let res: any = getJsonStructure(
    config, {
      toUse: ["NPM"],
      useCachedData: false


If GitHub webhooks is enabled for the target organisation, these two functions are available:

import { handleGitHubWebhookPushEvents, handleGitHubWebhookRepositoryEvents } from "evergreen-org-crawler/build/webhooks/github";

// handleGitHubWebhookPushEvents(accessToken: string, targetOrganisation: string, payload: any, useCachedData?: boolean): Promise<void>;
// handleGitHubWebhookRepositoryEvents(accessToken: string, targetOrganisation: string, payload: any, useCachedData?: boolean): Promise<void>;

await handleGitHubWebhookRepositoryEvents(

When called these functions update the cache internally.

Setup Instructions

Before you commit, please configure pre-commit with:

pre-commit install

Now, every time you commit, it will run hooks to fix various styling and linting problem.

Running pre-commit hooks manually

pre-commit run --all-files

Skipping pre-commit hooks

Please avoid doing this at all cost.

git commit -n -m "Your commit message"

The -n allows you to skip git hooks.


.env file

GH_TOKEN= GitHub token that has full repo scope
targetOrganisation= The target GitHub organisation to track

The token is needed to query GitHub API and access private repositories


Optional config.json file

	npmURL: optional, the URL to a specific npm host
	pipURL: optional, the URL to a specific pip host
	rubygemsURL: optional, the URL to a specific RubyGems host


Clone the repository with:

git clone

In the root directory for the project, run the following to install the necessary dependencies:

npm install

Setup a .env file with the environment variables populated, the run the crawler with.

npm start

This will generate cachedData.json file which has a schema.

Execute jest test faster

Run a single file only npm run test <PATHTOFILE>

Use the flag --onlyFailures to only run failed tests in the previous execution npm run test --onlyFailures

Future work

  • Dedicated GraphQL files fro GraphQL query schemas
  • Improve retry mechanism for asynchronous requests, such that there is more variance in the retry mechanism when multiple requests fail at the same time.


  • Each manifest file doesn't contain more that 250 dependencies
  • The dashboard depends on Dependency Graph manifest, which has some limitations, for example it cannot detect dependencies which:
    • Javascript:
      • use "foo": "github:user/repo
      • use "foo": "user/repo"
      • use "foo": "fileSystemPath"
    • Python
      • use foo fileSystemPath
  • There is a limit on the number of manifest files that can be fetched (link is dead)
  • Other dependency graph limits
  • repository_import events do not trigger update cache


Contributions are most welcome!

Before opening a PR:

  • Make sure that there isn't an active PR already open which makes the same changes
  • Make sure to check if there are issues related to your PR
  • Make sure that your branch name follows {name}/{description}


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