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Project Status: Inactive - The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

Sessel is a CouchApp for CouchDB that generates RDF triples from JSON documents, which then in turn can be exported to various serialization formats, or queried through a SPARQL endpoint.


Clone this repository and use CouchApp to push Sessel to <your_host>/<your_db>:

git clone
couchapp push Sessel/ http://<your_host>/<your_db>

Alternatively, replicate an existing deployment of Sessel to <your_host>/<your_db> using curl:

  -X POST\
  -H "Content-Type:application/json"\
  -d "{\"source\":\"\",\


The generated triples can be exported to various RDF serialization formats by calling the export interface http://<your_host>/<your_db>/_design/sessel/_rewrite/ with one of the following strings added:

A graphical export interface can be accessed at http://<your_host>/<your_db>/_design/sessel/export.html.

Changing the base URI

The default base URI is http://host/db_name/. If you prefer a different URI, add a base_uri parameter to the export URL and provide a percent-encoded value, e.g. http://<your_host>/<your_db>/_design/sessel/_rewrite/export.ttl?

Changing the prefix

The default prefix of the base URI is sessel. If you prefer a different prefix, add a prefix parameter to the export URL and provide a value, e.g. http://<your_host>/<your_db>/_design/sessel/_rewrite/export.ttl?

Data type mapping

The data types of JSON are mapped to the data types of XML as specified in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.

  • stringxsd:string
  • arrayxsd:string
  • objectxsd:string
  • nullxsd:string
  • numberxsd:integer or xsd:double
  • booleanxsd:boolean

To activate data type mapping, add a type_literals parameter to the export URL and provide a string value true.

SPARQL Endpoint

Sessel bundles Antonio Garrote's fantastic rdfstore-js, an RDF store with SPARQL support written entirely in JavaScript. A graphical query interface can be accessed at http://<your_host>/<your_db>/_design/sessel/sparql.html. Unfortunately, modern browsers only let rdfstore-js store 5 MB worth of triples. If your data set is large it is recommended to use a standalone SPARQL processor such as ARQ to import the generated triples by pointing it to the export interface:

FROM <http://<your_host>/<your_db>/_design/sessel/_rewrite/export.ttl>
    ?s ?p ?o .

Document Conversion

Each JSON document is broken down to key-value pairs. Each key-value pair represents a triple, key and value being predicate and object, respectively. The value of the special key-value pair with the key _id ensuring the uniqueness of a document serves as the subject of the generated triple.