- A Social Network Website made using Next.js for front-end and back-end on Node.js and Express.js.
- Used React-Routers and Node.js API for effortless CRUD operations, Bootstrap and ANT Design for user-friendly UI and MongoDB for the database.
- Implement Authentication using JWT and utilized React-context-API to acsess logged-in user's information globally.
- Carry out Password Reset workflow using otplib(TOTP) library and nodemailer for Email Automation.
$ git clone https://github.com/agrawallaDarshan/Postaholic.git
$ npm i
.env (to create .env, check [prepare your secret session])
.env (to create .env, check [prepare your secret session])
notice, you need client and server runs concurrently in different terminal session, in order to make them interactive and update the cors if you are hosting the client in any other port rather than 3000.
$ cd client // go to client folder
$ npm i // npm install packages
$ npm run dev // run it locally
// deployment for client app
$ npm run build // this will compile the client side code using webpack and generate a folder called public(you can rename) in the root level
run the script at the first level:
(You need to add a JWT_SECRET in .env to connect to MongoDB)
// in the root level
$ echo "JWT_SECRET=YOUR_JWT_SECRET" >> ./server/.env
$ cd server // go to server folder
$ npm i // npm install packages
$ npm start // run it locally
Deploy Server to Heroku
$ npm i -g heroku
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ npm run heroku:add <your-super-amazing-heroku-app>
// remember to run this command in the root level, not the server level, so if you follow the documentation along, you may need to do `cd ..`
$ pwd
$ npm run deploy:heroku
remember to update the file of client/.env.local/
NEXT_PUBLIC_API: https://socialmedia-server.herokuapp.com/api
Client-side | Server-side |
@ant-design/icons: ^4.7.0 | bcrypt: ^5.0.1 |
antd: ^4.17.3 | cloudinary: ^1.28.0 |
axios: ^0.23.0 | cors: ^2.8.5 |
bootstrap: ^5.1.3 | dotenv: ^10.0.0 |
cloudinary-react: ^1.7.0 | es6: 0.0.7 |
dotenv: ^10.0.0 | express: ^4.17.1 |
firebase: ^9.6.7 | express-formidable: ^1.2.0 |
moment: ^2.29.1 | express-jwt: ^6.1.0 |
next: ^11.1.2 | jsonwebtoken: ^8.5.1 |
react: ^17.0.2 | mongoose: ^6.0.12 |
react-dom: ^17.0.2 | morgan: ^1.10.0 |
react-icons: ^4.3.1 | nodemailer: ^6.7.2 |
react-moment": ^1.1.1 | nodemon: ^2.0.14 |
react-quill: ^1.3.5 | otplib: ^12.0.1 |
socket.io-client: ^4.4.1 | socket.io: ^4.4.1 |
react-render-html: ^0.6.0 | |
react-toastify: ^8.1.0 |
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Email Me: [email protected] (welcome, say hi)