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ModRevive is a mod for search&destroy adding a revive mechanic. It has the following features - some of which also apply to other gamemodes:

  • nearby players can revive team-mates after they've been killed
  • display the current amount of players per team alive, when..
    • a new round started,
    • a player was killed,
    • a player was revived.
  • manage the available perks via DVARs - perk_forbid_specialty_<perkname> 1
  • change the custom classes during the match (effective in next match/map, due to client/server restrictions)
  • integrated the Final Killcam mod created by FzBr.d4rk ©


Download the latest version of the mod from the releases-page and extract the content to <cod-dir>/Mods/ModRevive. The mod should then appear in your game as 'ModRevive'.


There are several DVARs to customize the ModRevive experience:

  • perk_forbid_specialty_<perkname>: allows to control which perks are allowed on the server; default: 0 (allowed)
  • scr_player_revivetime: basic revive time; default: 3000 (ms)
  • scr_player_revivetimeincrease: additional time per prior successful revive; default: 1000 (ms)
  • scr_game_roundstarttime: time in seconds to wait before each round; default: 5 (s)
  • scr_revivesound: to allow the new sound to be played (1) or not (0); default: 1
  • scr_fkc_slowmo: to show the finalKillcam with (1) or without (0) slow motion (prevent network lags for high pings); default: 1
  • scr_game_allowrevive: to toggle the revive mechanic on (1) or off (0); default: 1




If everything is setup correctly you simply need to run makeMod.bat. These files should be generated/updated:

  • mod.ff
  • z_modrevive.iwd

⚠ If the client is still running, only .tmpX files will be generated.

Run / Test

  • Use the artifacts from the 'Build' and launch the game directly with the mod, e.g. create a shortcut to the mp bin with following parameters:
"<path_to_iw3mp.exe>" +set developer 1 +set fs_game mods/ModRevive +set scr_game_matchstarttime 1 +set scr_game_playerwaittime 1 +set scr_game_roundstarttime 1

* The three DVARs are not required but recommended for faster testing, as these define the time to wait before the match/round starts.

  • In the game launch a server with the sd gamemode.

  • For local testing the Final Killcam mod offers the possibility to add Bots. Open console and type /add_bots X (X = amount)

Useful links