This application was intends to serve an easy way for airline companies to schedule their flights. The schedule developed by the software will depend upon the number of planes they have in service and the routes they want to offer. The airline company will have to input the routes which it wishes to cover and the number of planes to get a schedule for its flights. \
Scheduling software systems have been fascinating me ever since I learnt about their existence. The ability of a computer program to help decide which tasks should take place when, in order for us to be "efficient" has always excited me. Further research into this topic revealed to me that airline companies often use such software to schedule their flights as flights usually have very specific time durations. Therefore, I decided to create one such software for my personal project.
As an airline company, we want to be able to:
- add a flight route to the existing list of routes.
- delete an existing flight route from the list of routes.
- view the list of routes we are currently serving.
- edit the number of planes available.
- search for a route using its ID.
- save all the airline information to files.
- load previously saved airline information from files.
- get an efficient flight schedule for the routes.*
- You can generate the first event (adding a route) by clicking on the "Add Route" button and filling the appropriate fields.
- You can generate the second event (deleting a route) by selecting the route from the list interface and clicking the "Delete Route" button.
- You can generate the third event (searching for a route) by inputting the ID and clicking the "Search" button.
- You can locate my visual component (application logo) in the top-right corner of the window.
- You can locate other visual components on the right side of all popup messages.
- You can change the number of planes by inputting the new number and clicking the "Change Plane Count" button.
- You can save the state of my application by clicking the "Save Data" button.
- You can reload the state of my application by "Load Data" button.
A representative sample of the event log which is printed to the console when the application is quit:
------------ Event Log ------------
Wed Aug 10 19:07:05 PDT 2022
Route with ID: 2506 was added to the airline
Wed Aug 10 19:07:24 PDT 2022
Route with ID: 7819 was added to the airline
Wed Aug 10 19:07:31 PDT 2022
Plane count was updated to: 34
Wed Aug 10 19:07:33 PDT 2022
Route with ID: 2506 was removed from the airline
Wed Aug 10 19:07:36 PDT 2022
Plane count was updated to: 12