Welcome to the source code of aggutierrez.com. Built with Nexjts and hosted with Vercel. You can see my personal web page code here.
Must have npm or yarn installed in computer. I will follow the installation using yarn as an example.
Must have Infisical CLI installed in your computer. See documentation to install it in diffetent OS.
Ensure you are logged in Infisical CLI
infisical auth
Create a project in Infisical and the secrets needed.
# VARIABLES NEEDED NEXT_PUBLIC_ASSETS_URL # Path (relative to project root) of public assets loaded. NEXT_PUBLIC_RAW_DATA_URL # Url of the github repository from which the information shown in the portfolio is loaded. NEXT_PUBLIC_GH_DATA_TOKEN # Token needed to read data from that github repository. # Emailjs service variables to send mails NEXT_PUBLIC_EMAILJS_PUBLIC_KEY NEXT_PUBLIC_EMAILJS_SERVICE_ID NEXT_PUBLIC_EMAILJS_TEMPLATE_ID
Install project dependencies
yarn install
Start the development server
yarn dev
Generate a full static production build
yarn build
Preview the site build
yarn start