⚠️ WIP
is a simple utility that helps to migrate you DID to Bluesky PDS.
go build -o didweb main.go
PRIVKEY=$(didweb genkey)
PUBKEY=$(echo -n $PRIVKEY | didweb pubkey)
didweb gendid --handle alice.domain.tld --pubkey $PUBKEY --hostname pds.example.com > did.json
# upload this did to your .well-known directory
# createInviteCode
curl --fail --silent --show-error --request POST --user "admin:REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"useCount": 1}' "https://pds.example.com/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createInviteCode"
# now you can try to sign up
didweb sign --privkey $PRIVKEY --iss did:web:alice.domain.tld --aud did:web:pds.domain.tld --exp 180 | didweb createAccount --pds https://pds.domain.tld --handle alice.domain.tld --invite pds-domain-tld-invite-code --email [email protected] --password password123
# Or, you can directly call createAccount API if the above `didweb createAccount` does not work
TOKEN=$(./didweb sign --privkey $PRIVKEY --iss did:web:did.example.com --aud did:web:pds.example.com --exp 180)
curl --verbose --fail --silent --show-error --request POST --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"handle\":\"alice.domain.tld\", \"did\":\"did:web:alice.domain.tld\", \"password\":\"XXX_REPLACE_THIS_XXX\", \"inviteCode\":\"pds-invite-replace-this\"}" "https://pds.example.com/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createAccount"
# now you will get new JWT token to complete registration
# getRecommendedDidCredentials
curl --verbose --fail --silent --show-error --request GET --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://pds.example.com/xrpc/com.atproto.identity.getRecommendedDidCredentials
# -> edit your did.json:
# Replace the value of "publicKeyMultibase" in your did.json with the value of
# verificationMethods.atproto in the response of getRecommendedDidCredentials.
# Don't forget to remove "did:key" from the value when replacing.
# activateAccount
curl --verbose --fail --silent --show-error --request POST --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://pds.example.com/xrpc/com.atproto.server.activateAccount
# now, your account has been activated.
# Upload /.well-known/atproto-did file with your DID included, or
# Add DNS TXT record (prefix "_atproto." + your handle) including the did
# so that the client can validate your did:web account.