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Core Services Description

Derek Kingston edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 27 revisions

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This wikipage was last updated: 2017-07-18, 10:17am.

Table of Contents

List of Services


Extended / Derived

  • OperatingRegionStateService
  • OsmPlannerService
  • SensorManagerService
  • ServiceManager
  • WaypointPlanManagerService

Service and Message Descriptions


This service provides a simple sanity check on external automation requests. It also queues requests and tags them with unique identifiers, feeding them into the system one at a time.

This service has two states: idle and busy. In both states, when a non AutomationRequest message is received, a local memory store is updated to maintain a list of all available tasks, vehicle configurations, vehicle states, zones, and operating regions.

Upon reception of an AutomationRequest message, this service ensures that such a request can be carried out by checking its local memory store for existence of the requested vehicles, tasks, and operating region. If the request includes vehicles, tasks, or an operating region that has not previously been defined, this service will publish an error message.

Upon determination that the AutomationRequest includes only vehicles, tasks, and an operating region that have previously been defined, this service creates a UniqueAutomationRequest with a previously unused unique identifier. If in the idle state, this service will immediately publish the UniqueAutomationRequest message and transition to the busy state. If already in the busy state, the UniqueAutomationRequest will be added to the end of a queue.

When this service receives either an error message (indicating that the UniqueAutomationRequest cannot be fulfilled or a corresponding UniqueAutomationResponse), it will publish the same message. If in the idle state, it will remain in the idle state. If in the busy state, it will remove from the queue the request that was just fulfilled and then send the next UniqueAutomationRequest in the queue. If the queue is empty, this service transitions back to the idle state.

This service also includes a parameter that allows an optional timeout value to be set. When a UniqueAutomationRequest is published, a timer begins. If the timeout has been reached before a UniqueAutomationResponse is received, an error is assumed to have occured and this service removes the pending UniqueAutomationRequest from the queue and attempts to send the next in the queue or transition to idle if the queue is empty.

Table of messages that the AutomationRequestValidatorService receives and processes.
Message Subscription Description
AutomationRequest Primary message to request a set of Tasks to be completed by a set of vehicles in a particular airspace configuration (described by an OperatingRegion).
(2 ms work)
Determines validity of AutomationRequest.
idle -> busy, emit UniqueAutomationRequest
busy -> busy, add UniqueAutomationRequest to queue
EntityConfiguration Vehicle capabilities (e.g. allowable speeds) are described by entity configuration messages. Any vehicle requested in an AutomationRequest must previously be described by an associated EntityConfiguration.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step.
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
EntityState Describes the actual state of a vehicle in the system including position, speed, and fuel status. Each vehicle in an AutomationRequest must have reported its state.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step.
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
Task Details a particular task that will be referenced (by ID) in an AutomationRequest.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step.
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
TaskInitialized Indicates that a particular task is ready to proceed with the task assignment sequence. Each task requested in the AutomationRequest must be initialized before a UniqueAutomationRequest is published.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
KeepOutZone Polygon description of a region in which vehicles must not travel. If referenced by the OperatingRegion in the AutomationRequest, zone must exist for request to be valid.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step.
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
KeepInZone Polygon description of a region in which vehicles must remain during travel. If referenced by the OperatingRegion in the AutomationRequest, zone must exist for request to be valid.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step.
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
OperatingRegion Collection of KeepIn and KeepOut zones that describe the allowable space for vehicular travel. Must be defined for AutomationRequest to be valid.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in validation step.
idle -> idle, add to storage
busy -> busy, add to storage
UniqueAutomationResponse Completed response from the rest of the task assignment process. Indicates that the next AutomationRequest is ready to be processed.
(1 ms work)
If response ID does not match request ID at top of queue, ignore and remain in current state. Otherwise:
idle -> idle, normal operation should preclude receiving this message in the idle state
busy, emit corresponding AutomationResponse
If queue is empty, busy -> idle, else
busy -> busy, emit request message at top of queue
Table of messages that the AutomationRequestValidatorService publishes.
Message Publication Description
UniqueAutomationRequest A duplicate message to an external AutomationRequest but only published if the request is determined to be valid. Also includes a unique identifier to match to the corresponding response.
ServiceStatus Error message when a request is determined to be invalid. Includes human readable error message that highlights which portion of the AutomationRequest was invalid.
AutomationResponse Upon reception of a completed UniqueAutomationResponse, this message is published as a response to the original request.


The TaskManagerService is a very straight-forward service. Upon reception of a Task message, it will send the appropriate CreateNewService message. To do so, it catalogues all entity configurations and current states; areas, lines, and points of interest; and current waypoint paths for each vehicle. This information is stored in local memory and appended as part of the CreateNewService message which allows new Tasks to immediately be informed of all relevant information needed to carry out a Task.

When TaskManagerService receives a RemoveTasks message, it will form the appropriate KillService message to properly destroy the service that was created to fulfill the original Task.

Table of messages that the TaskManagerService receives and processes.
Message Subscription Description
Task Primary message that describes a particular task. The task manager will make the appropriate service creation message to build a service that directly handles this requested Task.
(1 ms work)
Emit CreateNewService message
RemoveTasks Indicates that Task is no longer needed and will not be included in future AutomationRequest messages. Task manager will send the proper KillService message to remove the service that was constructed to handle the requested Task.
(1 ms work)
Emit KillService message corresponding to Task
EntityConfiguration Vehicle capabilities (e.g. allowable speeds) are described by entity configuration messages. New Tasks are informed of all known entities upon creation.
(0 ms work)
Store to report during Task creation
EntityState Describes the actual state of a vehicle in the system including position, speed, and fuel status. New Tasks are informed of all known entity states upon creation.
(0 ms work)
Store to report during Task creation
Describes known geometries of areas, lines, and points. New Tasks are informed of all such named areas upon creation.
(0 ms work)
Store to report during Task creation
MissionCommand Describes current set of waypoints that a vehicle is following. New Tasks are informed of all known current waypoint routes upon creation.
(0 ms work)
Store to report during Task creation
Table of messages that the TaskManagerService publishes.
Message Publication Description
CreateNewService Primary message published by the Task Manager to dynamically build a new Task from an outside description of such a Task.
KillService When Tasks are no longer needed, the Task Manager will correctly clean up and destroy the service that was built to handle the original Task.


A Task forms the core functionality of vehicle behavior. It is the point at which a vehicle (or set of vehicles) is dedicated to a singular goal. During Task execution, a wide spectrum of behavior is allowed, including updating waypoints and steering sensors. As part of the core services, this general Task description stands in for all Tasks running in the system.

The general Task interaction with the rest of the task assignment pipeline is complex. It is the aggregation of each Task's possibilities that defines the complexity of the overall mission assignment. These Task possibilities are called options and they describe the precise ways that a Task could unfold. For example, a LineSearchTask could present two options to the system: 1) search the line from East-to-West and 2) search the line from West-to-East. Either is valid and a selection of one of these options that optimizes overall mission efficiency is the role of the assignment service.

A general Task is comprised of up to nine states with each state corresponding to a place in the message sequence that carries out the task assignment pipeline. The states for a Task are:

  • Init: This is the state that all Tasks start in and remain until all internal initialization is complete. For example, a Task may need to load complex terrain or weather data upon creation and will require some (possibly significant) start-up time. When a Task has completed its internal initialization, it must report transition from this state via the TaskInitialized message.
  • Idle: This represents the state of a Task after initialization, but before any requests have been made that include the Task. UniqueAutomationRequest messages trigger a transition from this state into the SensorRequest state.
  • SensorRequest: When a Task is notified of its inclusion (by noting the presence of its ID in the Tasks list of an UniqueAutomationRequest message), it can request calculations that pertain to the sensors onboard the vehicles that are also included in the UniqueAutomationRequest message. While waiting for a response from the SensorManagerService, a Task is in the SensorRequest state and will remain so until the response from the SensorManagerService is received.
  • OptionRoutes: After the SensorManagerService has replied with the appropriate sensor calculations, the Task can request waypoints from the RouteAggregatorService that carry out the on-Task goals. For example, an AreaSearchTask can request routes from key surveillance positions that ensure sensor coverage of the entire area. The Task remains in the OptionRoutes state until the RouteAggregatorService replies.
  • OptionsPublished: When routes are returned to the Task, it will utilize all route and sensor information to identify and publish the applicable TaskOptions. The determination of TaskOptions is key to overall mission performance and vehicle behavior. It is from this list of options that the assignment will select in order to perform this particular Task. After publication of the options, a Task waits in the OptionsPublished state until the TaskImplementationRequest message is received, whereupon it switches to FinalRoutes.
  • FinalRoutes: Upon reception of a TaskImplementationRequest, a Task is informed of the option that was selected by the assignment service. At this point, a Task must create the final set of waypoints that include both enroute and on-task waypoints from the specified vehicle location. The Task is required to create the enroute waypoints since a route refinement is possible, taking advantage of the concrete prior position of the selected vehicle. The Task remains in the FinalRoutes state until the route request is fulfilled by the RouteAggregatorService.
  • OptionSelected: When the final waypoints are returned from the RouteAggregatorService, the Task publishes a complete TaskImplementationResponse message. A Task will remain in this state until an EntityState message includes this Task ID in its AssociatedTaskList. If during this state, a subsequent UniqueAutomationRequest is made, the Task returns to the SensorRequest state and immediately attempts to fulfill the requirements of the new UniqueAutomationRequest. This behavior implies that a Task can only be part of a single AutomationRequest and subsequent requests always override previous requests.
  • Active: If the Task is in the OptionSelected state and an EntityState message is received which includes the Task ID in the AssociatedTaskList, then the Task switches to the Active state and is allowed to publish new waypoints and sensor commands at will. A Task remains in the Active state until a subsequent EntityState message does not list the Task ID in its AssociatedTaskList. At which point, a transition to Completed is made. Note that a Task can reliquish control indirectly by sending the vehicle to a waypoint not tagged with its own ID. Likewise, it can maintain control indefinitely by ensuring that the vehicle only ever go to a waypoint that includes its ID. If a UniqueAutomationRequest message that includes this Task ID is received in the Active state, it transitions to the Completed state.
  • Completed: In this state, the Task publishes a TaskComplete message and then immediately transitions to the Idle state.
Table of messages that a general Task receives and processes.
Message Subscription Description
UniqueAutomationRequest Indicates which Tasks are to be considered as well as the set of vehicles that can be used to fulfill those Tasks. Upon reception of this message, if a Task ID is included, it will publish TaskPlanOptions.
(2 ms work)
If included in the request, begin process of calculating task options and costs by emitting SensorFootprintRequests
Idle -> SensorRequest in normal operation
OptionSelected -> SensorRequest, when interrupted
TaskImplementationRequest After an assignment has been made, each Task involved is requested to build the final set of waypoints that complete the Task and corresponding selected option. A Task must build the route to the Task as well as waypoints that implement the Task. For each on-task waypoint, the AssociatedTaskList must include the Task ID.
(2 ms work)
OptionsPublished -> FinalRoutes, emit RouteRequest to determine final waypoint routes needed for implementation
EntityConfiguration Vehicle capabilities (e.g. allowable speeds) are described by entity configuration messages. Tasks can reason over sensor and vehicle capabilites to present the proper options to other parts of the system. If a vehicle does not have the capability to fulfill the Task (e.g. does not have a proper sensor), then the Task shall not include that vehicle ID in the list of eligible entities reported as part of an option.
(0 ms work)
Add to internal storage for use in calculating options
No state change
EntityState Describes the actual state of a vehicle in the system including position, speed, and fuel status. This message is primary feedback mechanism used for Tasks to switch to an Active state. When a Task ID is listed in the AssociatedTaskList of an EntityState message, the Task is allowed to update waypoints and sensor commands at will.
(0 ms work)
OptionSelected: if Task ID is listed in AssociatedTaskList, then -> Active
Active: if Task ID is NOT listed in AssociatedTaskList, then -> Completed
RouteResponse Collection of route plans that fulfill a set of requests for navigation through an OperatingRegion. A Task must request the waypoints to route a vehicle from its last to the start of the Task. Additionally, this message can be used to obtain on-task waypoints.
(1 ms work)
OptionRoutes -> OptionsPublished, emit TaskPlanOptions
FinalRoutes -> OptionSelected, emit TaskImplementationResponse
SensorFootprintResponse Collection of sensor information at different conditions corresponding to a SensorFootprintRequests message. Used to determine if a particular entity with known sensor payloads can meet the sensor resolution constraints required to fulfill this Task.
(1 ms work)
SensorRequest -> OptionRoutes, emit RouteRequest to determine on-Task waypoints
Table of messages that a general Task publishes.
Message Publication Description
TaskPlanOptions Primary message published by a Task to indicate the potential different ways a Task could be completed. Each possible way to fulfill a Task is listed as an option. TaskOptions can also be related to each other via Process Algebra.
TaskImplementationResponse Primary message published by a Task that reports the final set of waypoints to both navigate the selected vehicle to the Task as well as the waypoints necessary to complete the Task using the selected option.
RouteRequest Collection of route plan requests to leverage the route planner capability of constructing waypoints that adhere to the designated OperatingRegion. This request is made for waypoints en-route to the Task as well as on-task waypoints.
SensorFootprintRequests Collection of requests to the SensorManagerService to determine ground-sample distances possible for each potential entity. Uses camera and gimbal information from the cached EntityConfiguration messages.
VehicleActionCommand When a Task is Active, it is allowed to update sensor navigation commands to on-task vehicles. This message is used to directly command the vehicle to use the updated behaviors calculated by the Task.
TaskComplete Once a Task has met its goal or if a vehicle reports that it is no longer on-task, a previously Active Task must send a TaskComplete message to inform the system of this change.


The RoutePlannerVisibilityService is a service that provides route planning using a visibility heuristic. One of the fundamental architectural decisions in UxAS is separation of route planning from task assignment. This service is an example of a route planning service for aircraft. Ground vehicle route planning (based on Open Street Maps data) can be found in the OsmPlannerService.

The design of the RoutePlannerVisibilityService message interface is intended to be as simple as possible: a route planning service considers routes only in fixed environments for known vehicles and handles requests for single vehicles. The logic necessary to plan for multiple (possibly heterogeneous) vehicles is handled in the RouteAggregatorService.

In two dimensional environments composed of polygons, the shortest distance between points lies on the visibility graph. The RoutePlannerVisibilityService creates such a graph and, upon request, adds desired start/end locations to quickly approximate a distance-optimal route through the environment. With the straight-line route created by the searching the visibility graph, a smoothing operation is applied to ensure that minimum turn rate constraints of vehicles are satisfied. Note, this smoothing operation can violate the prescribed keep-out zones and is not guaranteed to smooth arbitrary straight-line routes (in particular, path segments shorter than the minimum turn radius can be problematic).

Due to the need to search over many possible orderings of Tasks during an assignment calculation, the route planner must very quickly compute routes. Even for small problems, hundreds of routes must be calculated before the assignment algorithm can start searching over the possible ordering. For this reason it is imperative that the route planner be responsive and efficient.

Table of messages that the RoutePlannerVisibilityService receives and processes.
Message Subscription Description
RoutePlanRequest "AircraftPathPlanner" Primary message that describes a route plan request. A request considers only a single vehicle in a single OperatingRegion although it can request multiple pairs of start and end locations with a single message.
In addition to subscribing to RoutePlanRequest, this service also subscribes to the group mailbox "AircraftPathPlanner". Upon reception of a message on this channel, the service will process it as if it came over the broadcast channel. The return message always uses return-to-sender addressing.
(10 ms work)
For each start/end pair, this service will compute a path that respects the geometric constraints imposed by the corresponding OperatingRegion. For each start/end pair, the route planner could reasonably work for 10ms to complete the calculation. Once all have been calculated, emits RoutePlanResponse.
KeepOutZone Polygon description of a region in which vehicles must not travel. This service will track all KeepOutZones to compose them upon reception of an OperatingRegion.
(0 ms work)
Store for use during calculation of operating region map
KeepInZone Polygon description of a region in which vehicles must remain during travel. This service will track all KeepInZones to compose them upon reception of an OperatingRegion.
(0 ms work)
Store for use during calculation of operating region map
OperatingRegion Collection of KeepIn and KeepOut zones that describe the allowable space for vehicular travel. When received, this service creates a visibility graph considering the zones referenced by this OperatingRegion. Upon RoutePlanRequest the visibility graph corresponding to the OperatingRegion ID is retreived and manipulated to add start/end locations and perform the shortest path search.
(20 ms work)
To respond quickly to RoutePlanRequest messages, the RoutePlannerVisibilityService will create a pre-processed map using the geometric constraints from the OperatingRegion. The result is stored for later requests.
EntityConfiguration Vehicle capabilities (e.g. allowable speeds) are described by entity configuration messages. This service calculates the minimum turn radius of the entity by using the max bank angle and nominal speed. Requested routes are then returned at the nominal speed and with turns approximating the minimum turn radius.
(20 ms work)
Stored for use during RoutePlanRequests. Also used to update operating region maps based on the capability of the entity.
Table of messages that the RoutePlannerVisibilityService publishes.
Message Publication Description
RoutePlanResponse This message contains the waypoints and time cost that fulfills the route request. This message is the only one published by the RoutePlannerVisibilityService and is always sent using the return-to-sender addressing which ensures that only the original requester receives the response.


The RouteAggregatorService fills two primary roles: 1) it acts as a helper service to make route requests for large numbers of heterogenous vehicles; and 2) it constructs the task-to-task route-cost table that is used by the assignment service to order the tasks as efficiently as possible. Each functional role acts independently and can be modeled as two different state machines.

The Aggregator role orchestrates large numbers of route requests (possibly to multiple route planners). This allows other services in the system (such as Tasks) to make a single request for routes and receive a single reply with the complete set of routes for numerous vehicles.

For every aggregate route request (specified by a RouteRequest message), the Aggregator makes a series of RoutePlanRequests to the appropriate route planners (i.e. sending route plan requests for ground vehicles to the ground vehicle planner and route plan requests for aircraft to the aircraft planner). Each request is marked with a request ID and a list of all request IDs that must have matching replies is created. The Aggregator then enters a pending state in which all received plan replies are stored and then checked off the list of expected replies. When all of the expected replies have been received, the Aggregator publishes the completed RouteResponse and returns to the idle state.

Note that every aggregate route request corresponds to a separate internal checklist of expected responses that will fulfill the original aggregate request. The Aggregator is designed to service each aggregate route request even if a previous one is in the process of being fulfilled. When the Aggregator receives any response from a route planner, it checks each of the many checklists to determine if all expected responses for a particuarl list have been met. In this way, the Aggregator is in a different pending state for each aggregate request made to it.

Table of messages that the RouteAggregatorService receives and processes in its Aggregator role.
Message Subscription Description
RouteRequest Primary message that requests a large number of routes for potentially heterogeneous vehicles. The Aggregator will make a series of RoutePlanRequests to the appropriate planners to fulfill this request.
(1 ms work)
idle -> pending, indexed by RouteRequest request ID, create a checklist of expected responses. Emit a number of RoutePlanRequest messages equal to the number of vehicles in the VehicleID field of the original RouteRequest
EntityConfiguration Vehicle capabilities (e.g. allowable speeds) are described by entity configuration messages. This service uses the EntityConfiguration to determine which type of vehicle corresponds to a specific ID so that ground planners are used for ground vehicles and air planners are used for aircraft.
(0 ms work)
No state change. Store to identify appropriate route planner by vehicle ID.
RoutePlanResponse This message is the fulfillment of a single vehicle route plan request which the Aggregator catalogues until the complete set of expected responses is received.
(1 ms work)
Store response and check to see if this message completes any checklist. If a checklist is complete, use the corresponding request ID to create a complete RouteResponse message. Emit RouteResponse and pending -> idle.
Table of messages that the RouteAggregatorService publishes in its Aggregator role.
Message Publication Description
RouteResponse Once the Aggregator has a complete set of responses collected from the route planners, the message is built as a reply to the original RouteRequest.
RoutePlanRequest The Aggregator publishes a series of these requests in order to fulfill an aggregate route request. These messages are published in batch, without waiting for a reply. It is expected that eventually all requests made will be fulfilled.

The RouteAggregatorService also acts in the role of creating the AssignmentCostMatrix which is a key input to the assignment service. For simplicity, this role will be labeled as the Collector role. This role is triggered by the UniqueAutomationRequest message and begins the process of collecting a complete set of on-task and between-task costs.

The Collector starts in the Idle state and upon reception of a UniqueAutomationRequest message, it creates a list of Task IDs that are involved in the request and then moves to the OptionsWait state. In this state, the Collector stores all TaskPlanOptions and matches them to the IDs of the Task IDs that were requested in the UniqueAutomationRequest. When the expected list of Tasks is associated with a corresponding TaskPlanOptions, the Collector moves to the RoutePending state. In this state, the Collector makes a series of route plan requests from 1) initial conditions of all vehicles to all tasks and 2) route plans between the end of each Task and start of all other Tasks. Similar to the Aggregator, the Collector creates a checklist of expected route plan responses and uses that checklist to determine when the complete set of routes has been returned from the route planners. The Collector remains in the RoutePending state until all route requests have been fulfilled, at which point it collates the responses into a complete AssignmentCostMatrix. The AssignmentCostMatrix message is published and the Collector returns to the Idle state.

Note that the AutomationValidatorService ensures that only a single UniqueAutomationRequest is handled by the system at a time. However, the design of the Collector does allow for multiple simultaneous requests as all checklists (for pending route and task option messages) are associated with the unique ID from each UniqueAutomationRequest.

Table of messages that the RouteAggregatorService receives and processes in its Collector role.
Message Subscription Description
UniqueAutomationRequest Primary message that initiates the collection of options sent from each Task via the TaskPlanOptions message. A list of all Tasks included in the UniqueAutomationRequest is made upon reception of this message and later used to ensure that all included Tasks have responded.
(1 ms work)
Idle -> OptionsWait, create checklist of expected task options.
TaskPlanOptions Primary message from Tasks that prescribe available start and end locations for each option as well as cost to complete the option. Once all expected TaskPlanOptions have been received, the Collector will use the current locations of the vehicles to request paths from each vehicle to each task option and from each task option to every other task option.
(1 ms work)
Store task options and check to see if this message completes the checklist. If the checklist is complete, create a series of RoutePlanRequest messages to find routes from the current locations of vehicles to each task and from each task to every other task. Emit this series of RoutePlanRequest messages, OptionsWait -> RoutePending.
EntityState Describes the actual state of a vehicle in the system including position, speed, and fuel status. This message is used to create routes and cost estimates from the associated vehicle position and heading to the task option start locations.
(0 ms work)
No state change. Store for use in requesting routes from vehicle positions to task start locations.
RoutePlanResponse This message is the fulfillment of a single vehicle route plan request which the Collector catalogues until the complete set of expected responses is received.
(1 ms work)
Store response and check to see if this message completes the cost matrix. If so, emit AssignmentCostMatrix and RoutePending -> Idle.
Table of messages that the RouteAggregatorService publishes in its Collector role.
Message Publication Description
AssignmentCostMatrix Once the Collector has a complete set of TaskPlanOptions as well as routes between tasks and vehicles, this message is built to inform the next step in the task assignment pipeline: the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService.
RoutePlanRequest The Collector publishes a series of these requests in order to compute the vehicle-to-task and task-to-task route costs. These messages are published in batch, without waiting for a reply. It is expected that eventually all requests made will be fulfilled.


The AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService is a service that does the primary computation to determine an efficient ordering and assignment of all Tasks to the available vehicles. The assignment algorithm reasons only at the cost level; in other words, the assignment itself does not directly consider vehicle motion but rather it uses estimates of that motion cost. The cost estimates are provided by the Tasks (for on-task costs) and by the RouteAggregatorService for task-to-task travel costs.

The AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService can be configured to optimize based on cumulative team cost (i.e. sum total of time required from each vehicle) or the maximium time of final task completion (i.e. only the final time of total mission completion is minimized). For either optimization type, this service will first find a feasible solution by executing a depth-first, greedy search. Although it is possible to request a mission for which no feasible solution exists, the vast majority of missions are underconstrained and have an exponential (relative to numbers of vehicles and tasks) number of solutions from which an efficient one must be discovered.

After the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService obtains a greedy solution to the assignment problem, it will continue to search the space of possibilities via backtracking up the tree of possibilities and branching at descision points. The cost of the greedy solution acts as a bound beyond which no solution is be considered. In other words, as more efficient solutions are discovered, any partial solution that exeeds the cost of the current best solution will immediately be abandoned (cut) to focus search effort in the part of the space that could possibly lead to better solutions. In this way, solution search progresses until all possibilities have been exhausted or a pre-determined tree size has been searched. By placing an upper limit on the size of the tree to search, worst-case bounds on computation time can be made to ensure desired responsiveness from the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService.

General assignment problems do not normally allow for specification of Task relationships. However, the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService relies on the ability to specify Task relationships via Process Algebra constraints. This enables creation of moderately complex missions from simple atomic Tasks. Adherence to Process Algebra constraints also allows Tasks to describe their option relationships. The Process Algebra relationships of a particular Task option are directly substituted into and replace the original Task in the mission-level Process Algebra specification. Due to the heavy reliance on Process Algebra specifications, any assignment service that replaces AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService must also guarantee satisfaction of such specifications.

The behavior of the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService is straight-foward. Upon reception of a UniqueAutomationRequest, this service enters the wait state and remains in this state until a complete set of TaskPlanOptions and an AssignmentCostMatrix message have been received. In the wait state, a running list of the expected TaskPlanOptions is maintained and checked off when received. Upon receiving the AssignmentCostMatrix (which should be received strictly after the TaskPlanOptions due to the behavior of the RouteAggregatorService), this service conducts the branch-and-bound search to determine the proper ordering and assignment of Tasks to vehicles. The results of the optimization are packaged into the TaskAssignmentSummary and published, at which point this service returns to the idle state.

Table of messages that the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService receives and processes.
Message Subscription Description
UniqueAutomationRequest Sentinel message that initiates the collection of options sent from each Task via the TaskPlanOptions message. A list of all Tasks included in the UniqueAutomationRequest is made upon reception of this message and later used to ensure that all included Tasks have responded.
(0 ms work)
idle -> wait, store request ID for identification of corresponding TaskPlanOptions and AssignmentCostMatrix.
TaskPlanOptions Primary message from Tasks that prescribe available start and end locations for each option as well as cost to complete the option. In the wait state, this service will store all reported options for use in calculating mission cost for vehicles when considering possible assignments.
(0 ms work)
No state change. Store cost of each task option for look-up during optimization.
AssignmentCostMatrix Primary message that initiates the task assignment optimization. This message contains the task-to-task routing cost estimates and is a key factor in determining which vehicle could most efficiently reach a Task. Coupled with the on-task costs captured in the TaskPlanOptions, a complete reasoning over both traveling to and completing a Task can be looked up during the search over possible Task orderings.
(1500 ms work)
Using the cost of each task option (from the stored TaskPlanOptions messages) and the cost for each vehicle to reach each option (from AssignmentCostMatrix), perform an optimization attempting to find the minimal cost mission that adheres to the Process Algebra contraints. Upon completion, emit TaskAssignmentSummary and wait -> idle.
Table of messages that the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService publishes.
Message Publication Description
TaskAssignmentSummary The singular message published by this service which precisely describes the proper ordering of Tasks and the vehicles that are assigned to complete each Task.


The final step in the task assignment pipeline is converting the decisions made by the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService into waypoint paths that can be sent to each of the vehicles. Using the ordering of Tasks and the assigned vehicle(s) for each Task, the PlanBuilderService will query each Task in turn to construct enroute and on-task waypoints to complete the mission.

Similar to both the RouteAggregator and the AssignmentTreeBranchBoundService, the PlanBuilderService utilizes a received UniqueAutomationRequest to detect that a new mission request has been made to the system. The UniqueAutomationRequest is stored until a TaskAssignmentSummary that corresponds to the unique ID is received. At this point, the PlanBuilderService transitions from the idle state to the busy state.

Using the list of ordered Tasks dictated by the TaskAssignmentSummary, the PlanBuilderService sends a TaskImplementationRequest to each Task in order and waits for a TaskImplementationResponse from each Task before moving to the next. This is necessary as the ending location of a previous Task becomes the starting location for a subsequent Task. Since each Task is allowed to refine its final waypoint plan at this stage, the exact ending location may be different that was was originally indicated during the TaskPlanOptions phase. By working through the Task list in assignment order, all uncertainty about timing and location is elminated and each Task is allowed to make a final determination on the waypoints to be used.

Once all Tasks have reponded with a TaskImplementationResponse, the PlanBuilderService links all waypoints for each vehicle into a complete MissionCommand. The total set of MissionCommands are collected into the UniqueAutomationResponse which is broadcast to the system and represents a complete solution to the original AutomationRequest. At this point, the PlanBuilderService returns to the idle state.

Table of messages that the PlanBuilderService receives and processes.
Message Subscription Description
TaskAssignmentSummary Primary message that dictates the proper order and vehicle assignment to efficiently carry out the requested mission. Upon reception of this messsage, the PlanBuilderService queries each Task in order for the final waypoint paths.
(2 ms work)
idle -> busy, create a queue of ordered TaskImplementationRequest messages in the order prescribed by the TaskAssignmentSummary. Emit request at top of queue.
EntityState Describes the actual state of a vehicle in the system including position, speed, and fuel status. This message is used to inform the first Task of the location of the vehicles. Subsequent Tasks use the predicted positions and headings of vehicles after previous Tasks have reported waypoints earlier in the mission.
(0 ms work)
No state change. Store for use in creating TaskImplementationRequest messages.
TaskImplementationResponse Primary message that each Task reports to inform this service of the precise waypoints that need to be followed to reach the Task and carry it out correctly. The ordered collection of these messages are used to build the final UniqueAutomationResponse.
(2 ms work)
Remove top of task request queue and update predicted locations of vehicles. If task request queue is not empty, configure request at top of queue with predicted vehicle positions and emit the corresponding TaskImplementationRequest message. If queue is empty, busy -> idle.
UniqueAutomationRequest Informs this service of a new mission request in the system. Contains the desired starting locations and headings of the vehicles that are to be considered as part of the solution.
(0 ms work)
No state change. Store for use in creating TaskImplementationRequest messages. Note, positions in UniqueAutomationRequest override reported state positions stored when EntityState messages are received.
Table of messages that the PlanBuilderService publishes.
Message Publication Description
TaskImplementationRequest The primary message used to query each Task for the proper waypoints that both reach and carry out the Task. Once the PlanBuilderService receives a corresponding response from each Task, it can construct a final set of waypoints for each vehicle.
UniqueAutomationResponse This message contains a list of waypoints for each vehicle that was considered during the automation request. This collection of complete waypoints for the team fulfills the original request.