- Computational Science and Engineering
- Feedback Systems
- Signals and Systems
- Dynamics and control
- Control Systems
- DP and Optimal Control
- Reinforcement learning
- awesome-control-theory
- Math cheatsheets
- awesome-scientific-computing
- Planning Algorithms
- Data Driven Dynamics and Control
- Dynamic Optimization
- Handbook of Engineering Statistics
- numerical-linear-algebra
- Computational Science And Engineering I
- Engineering Statistics Handbook
- Applied mathematics
- Computational Complexity Theory
- Computability Theory
- Theory of Computation
- Computational problems
- List of Complexity Classes
- Algorithms
- Approximation Theory
- Approximation Algorithms
- Numerical Analysis
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Neural Network Architectures
- Types of Neural Networks
- Combinatorial algorithms
- Data structures
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Foundations of Computer Science University of Toronto
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Algorithm Design Manual
- Data Modeling Essentials
- Design of Algorithms
- MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Course Website
- Algorithm Design and Analysis: Biologically Inspired Algorithms
- Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs)
- MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2020
- Computational Thinking
- How To Design Programs
- Discrete Math (Full Course: Sets, Logic, Proofs, Probability, Graph Theory, etc)
- Computational Complexity - NPTEL
- MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020
- Undergrad Complexity Theory at CMU
- Complexity Theory I - Easy Theory
- Computational Complexity Lectures
- ndlib
- networkx
- netpy
- numerical linear algebra
- netomaton: discrete systems
- Linear Algebra with Python
- Path-Planning-Simulator
- awesome-robotics
- multi_agent_path_planning
- PythonRobotics
- PathPlanning
- pysteps
- synthetic
- PatternOmatic
- RobustArchitectureSearch
- EvoOpt
- evolutionary-algorithms
- geatpy
- Solid
- GeneticAlgorithmPython
- Grokking-Artificial-Intelligence-Algorithms
- BluePyOpt
- zoofs
- Sklearn-genetic-opt
- Evolutionary-Algorithm
- python-algorithms-and-simulations
- netomaton
- rule-30-and-game-of-life
- seagull
- Growing-Neural-Cellular-Automata
- Lenia
- cellpylib
- life-101
- numba
- gca
- Discrete Optimization
- pyswarms
- Solid (optimization)
- Intro to Numerical Methods
- simupy
- Numerical Analysis Python
- Simulation and Modeling of Natural Processes
- Computers Waves and Simulations
- agentpy
- Mesa
- Particle Life Simulation
- Swarm Algorithms
- swarmlib
- Deepswarm
- NiaPy
- FireFlyAlgorithm
- Ant Colony Traveling Salesman
- Self Organizing Bots
- Python Boids
- Glowworm Swarm Optimisation
- Gradient Free Optmizers
- MealPY
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- MetaheuristicOptimization
- Evolutionary Optimization
- Swarm Package
- Paths and Temporal Networks