This is the R Script to produce Ag Cartograms which scale and color states according to their production of selected ag commodities.
This script was created by Terry Griffin at Kansas State University.
Data comes form USDA NASS, any mistakes are the authors and not USDA. Cartograms checked for accuracy but not double/triple checked.
Cartograms created using R #rstats #cartogram package, a shapefile, and USDA data pluss a little bit of art.
Wiki defines a cartogram as "a map in which some thematic mapping variable - such as travel time, population, or GNP - is substituted for land area or distance. The geometry or space of the map is distorted, sometimes extremely, in order to convey the information of this alternate variable. They are primarily used to display emphasis and for analysis as nomographs." Please don't tell anyone that we referenced Wikipedia.
Cartograms are posted for educational and entertainment purposes, do not utilize for marketing or farm management decisions.