HTTP headers editor using forms.
The component works as a stand-alone editor that allows to define headers for HTTP request but also works with generated AMF model from API spec file via api-view-model-transformer element.
Form headers editor provides convenient and accessible way of defining HTTP request headers for any HTTP tool.
This element is moved to api-headers
repository and @api-components/api-headers
package. This element will be deprecated and archived once the migration finish.
This version only works with AMF model version 2 (AMF parser >= 4.0.0).
For compatibility with previous model version use 3.x.x
version of the component.
npm install --save @api-components/api-headers-form
# optionally for processing AMF model
npm install --save @api-components/api-view-model-transformer
<script type="module">
import '@api-components/api-headers-form/api-headers-form.js';
<api-headers-form allowdisableparams allowcustom allowhideoptional></api-headers-form>
document.querySelector('api-headers-form').onvalue = (e) {
console.log('Headers value',;
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import '@api-components/api-headers-form/api-headers-form.js';
class SampleElement extends PolymerElement {
render() {
return html`
_handleValue(e) {
this.headersValue =;
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);
When set it renders a checkbox next to each for item that allows to disable item. The item is in the view and in generated data mode but is ignored when producing the value.
When set is renders "add header" button and allows to create new headers. Mandatory for stand-alone use.
When item.required
model property is not set and this value is set then it hides all optional items (not marked as required)
and renders a checkbox to render hidden items in the view.
<api-headers-form allowhideoptional></api-headers-form>
document.querySelector('api-headers-form').model = [
name: 'content-type',
value: 'application/json',
required: true
name: 'user-token',
value: '',
required: false
This editor renders only content-type
header and hides user-token
form value.
The user can render hidden items at any time.
When you have API model generated by AMF parser you can use api-view-model-transformer
element to produce view model for the editor.
This element produces common model for query parametrs, URI parameters, body, and headers.
<api-view-model-transformer @view-model-changed="${this._viewModelChanged}"></api-view-model-transformer>
const api = await generateApiModel();
const endpoint = '/api-endpoint';
const operation = 'GET';
const headersModelArray = getOperationHeadersFromModel(api, endpoint, operation); // some abstract method
const transformer = document.querySelector('api-view-model-transformer');
transformer.api = api; // This is required to compute ld+json keys!
const viewModel = transformer.computeViewModel(headersModelArray);
document.querySelector('api-headers-form').model = viewModel;
The headersModelArray
property is the value of
shape of AMF model.
It can be accessed via supportedOperation
> expects
git clone
cd api-headers-form
npm install
npm start
npm test