- Search
- Sort
- Greedy
- Divide and Conquer
- Recursion
- Dynamic Programming
- Backtracking
- Two Pointers and Sliding Windows
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0009 | Palindrome Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Integer | |
0014 | Longest Common Prefix | Python | Easy π₯ | String | |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Python | Easy π₯ | String, Stack | |
0067 | Add Binary π | Python | Easy π₯ | Binary Number, String | |
0136 | Single Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Hash Table | Bit Manipulation |
0190 | Reverse Bits | Python | Easy π₯ | Binary Number | Bit Manipulation |
0204 | Count Primes | Python | Easy π₯ | ||
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Python | Easy π₯ | Integer | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0268 | Missing Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Bit Manipulation |
0387 | First Unique Character in a String | Python | Easy π₯ | String, Hash Table | |
0392 | Is Subsequence π | Python | Easy π₯ | String | Two Pointers, Greedy, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Binary Search |
0929 | Unique Email Addresses | Python | Easy π₯ | String | |
1022 | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS, Bit Manipulation |
1290 | Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked Lists | Recursion, Bit Manipulation |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters π | Python | Medium π₯ | String, Hash Table | Sliding Windows |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Python | Medium π₯ | String | Dynamic Programming |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Python | Medium π₯ | String | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0078 | Subsets | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Backtracking, Bit Manipulation |
0338 | Counting Bitsπ | Python | Medium π₯ | Binary Number | Bit Manipulation, Dynamic Programming |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0001 | Two Sum | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | |
0035 | Search Insert Position π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search |
0053 | Maximum Subarray π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer, Recursion |
0118 | Pascal's Triangle | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Dynamic Programming |
0122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Greedy |
0169 | Majority Element | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0171 | Excel Sheet Column Number π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | |
0217 | Contains Duplicate | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0242 | Valid Anagram | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0268 | Missing Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Bit Manipulation |
0283 | Move Zeroes | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Two Pointers |
0344 | Reverse String | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Two Pointers |
0349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Binary Search, Two Pointers |
0350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Two Pointers |
0448 | Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | |
0463 | Island Perimeter π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | |
0704 | Binary Search | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search, Recursion |
0746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
1337 | The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Heap | Binary Search |
1351 | Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search |
0046 | Permutations π | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Recursion, Backtracking |
0048 | Rotate Image | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | |
0078 | Subsets | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Backtracking, Bit Manipulation |
0189 | Rotate Array | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | |
0198 | House Robber π | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0238 | Product of Array Except Self | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Two Pointers |
0322 | Coin Change | Python | Medium π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Sort |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Python | Easy π₯ | String, Stack | |
0155 | Min Stack π | Python | Easy π₯ | Stack, Heaps | |
0232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | Python | Easy π₯ | Stack, Queue |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0001 | Two Sum | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | |
0136 | Single Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Hash Table | Bit Manipulation |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List, Hash Table | Two Pointers |
0160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List, Hash Table | Two Pointers |
0169 | Majority Element | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0202 | Happy Number π | Python | Easy π₯ | Hash Table | |
0217 | Contains Duplicate | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0242 | Valid Anagram | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0268 | Missing Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Bit Manipulation |
0349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Binary Search, Two Pointers |
0350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Two Pointers |
0387 | First Unique Character in a String | Python | Easy π₯ | String, Hash Table | |
0448 | Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | |
0771 | Jewels and Stones π | Python | Easy π₯ | Hash Table | |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters π | Python | Medium π₯ | String, Hash Table | Sliding Windows |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree, Hash Table | Recursion, DFS |
0322 | Coin Change | Python | Medium π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Sort |
0347 | Top K Frequent Elements | Python | Medium π₯ | Heaps, Hash Table | Sort |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists π | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked list | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0083 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Two Pointers |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List, Hash Table | Two Pointers |
0160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List, Hash Table | Two Pointers |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0234 | Palindrome Linked List π | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Two Pointers |
0876 | Middle of the Linked List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked Lists | Two Pointers |
1290 | Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked Lists | Recursion, Bit Manipulation |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Python | Medium π₯ | Linked Lists | Recursion, Two Pointers |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0155 | Min Stack π | Python | Easy π₯ | Stack, Heaps | |
0703 | Kth Largest Element in a Stream | Python | Easy π₯ | Heap | |
1337 | The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Heap | Binary Search |
0347 | Top K Frequent Elements | Python | Medium π₯ | Heaps, Hash Table | Sort |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0100 | Same Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0110 | Balanced Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0112 | Path Sum ο π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0257 | Binary Tree Paths π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0559 | Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0572 | Subtree of Another Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree, String | Recursion |
0589 | N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0590 | N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0617 | Merge Two Binary Trees | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0669 | Trim a Binary Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0700 | Search in a Binary Search Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0897 | Increasing Order Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0938 | Range Sum of BST π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0965 | Univalued Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
1022 | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS, Bit Manipulation |
0094 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree, Hash Table | Recursion, DFS |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0035 | Search Insert Position π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search |
0100 | Same Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0110 | Balanced Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0112 | Path Sum ο π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0257 | Binary Tree Paths π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Binary Search, Two Pointers |
0392 | Is Subsequence π | Python | Easy π₯ | String | Two Pointers, Greedy, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Binary Search |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0559 | Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0589 | N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0590 | N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0617 | Merge Two Binary Trees | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0669 | Trim a Binary Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0700 | Search in a Binary Search Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0704 | Binary Search | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search, Recursion |
0897 | Increasing Order Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0938 | Range Sum of BST π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0965 | Univalued Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
1022 | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS, Bit Manipulation |
1337 | The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Heap | Binary Search |
1351 | Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0169 | Majority Element | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0217 | Contains Duplicate | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0242 | Valid Anagram | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort |
0268 | Missing Number | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Bit Manipulation |
0349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Binary Search, Two Pointers |
0350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Two Pointers |
0322 | Coin Change | Python | Medium π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Sort |
0347 | Top K Frequent Elements | Python | Medium π₯ | Heaps, Hash Table | Sort |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Greedy |
0392 | Is Subsequence π | Python | Easy π₯ | String | Two Pointers, Greedy, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Binary Search |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0053 | Maximum Subarray π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer, Recursion |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists π | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked list | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0053 | Maximum Subarray π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer, Recursion |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Python | Easy π₯ | Recursion, Dynamic Programming | |
0100 | Same Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0110 | Balanced Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0112 | Path Sum ο π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0118 | Pascal's Triangle | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0226 | Invert Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0257 | Binary Tree Paths π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0392 | Is Subsequence π | Python | Easy π₯ | String | Two Pointers, Greedy, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Binary Search |
0543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0559 | Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0572 | Subtree of Another Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree, String | Recursion |
0589 | N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0590 | N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0617 | Merge Two Binary Trees | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0669 | Trim a Binary Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0700 | Search in a Binary Search Tree π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0704 | Binary Search | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Binary Search, Recursion |
0746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0897 | Increasing Order Search Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS |
0938 | Range Sum of BST π | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
0965 | Univalued Binary Tree | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS |
1022 | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Python | Easy π₯ | Tree | Recursion, DFS, BFS, Bit Manipulation |
1290 | Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked Lists | Recursion, Bit Manipulation |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Python | Medium π₯ | Linked Lists | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Python | Medium π₯ | String | Recursion, Backtracking, Dynamic Programming |
0046 | Permutations π | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Recursion, Backtracking |
0094 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0198 | House Robber π | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree | Recursion |
0236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Python | Medium π₯ | Tree, Hash Table | Recursion, DFS |
0322 | Coin Change | Python | Medium π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Sort |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0053 | Maximum Subarray π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer, Recursion |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Python | Easy π₯ | Integer | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0118 | Pascal's Triangle | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Dynamic Programming |
0392 | Is Subsequence π | Python | Easy π₯ | String | Two Pointers, Greedy, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Binary Search |
0746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Python | Medium π₯ | String | Dynamic Programming |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Python | Medium π₯ | String | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0198 | House Robber π | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Recursion, Dynamic Programming |
0322 | Coin Change | Python | Medium π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Sort |
0338 | Counting Bits π | Python | Medium π₯ | Binary Number | Bit Manipulation, Dynamic Programming |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Python | Medium π₯ | String | Recursion, Backtracking, Dynamic Programming |
0046 | Permutations π | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Recursion, Backtracking |
0078 | Subsets | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Backtracking, Bit Manipulation |
# | Title | Solution | Difficulty | Data Structure | Paradigm & Implementation |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists π | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked list | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0083 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Two Pointers |
0141 | Linked List Cycle | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List, Hash Table | Two Pointers |
0160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List, Hash Table | Two Pointers |
0206 | Reverse Linked List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0234 | Palindrome Linked List π | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked List | Two Pointers |
0283 | Move Zeroes | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Two Pointers |
0344 | Reverse String | Python | Easy π₯ | Array | Two Pointers |
0349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Binary Search, Two Pointers |
0350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II π | Python | Easy π₯ | Array, Hash Table | Sort, Two Pointers |
0392 | Is Subsequence π | Python | Easy π₯ | String | Two Pointers, Greedy, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Binary Search |
0876 | Middle of the Linked List | Python | Easy π₯ | Linked Lists | Two Pointers |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Python | Medium π₯ | Linked Lists | Recursion, Two Pointers |
0003 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters π | Python | Medium π₯ | String, Hash Table | Sliding Windows |
0238 | Product of Array Except Self | Python | Medium π₯ | Array | Two Pointers |