Example how to create REST API for time recording, out SAP BAPIs or remote function modules (RFCs), using node-rfc, node, express and gulp as a build tool.
You should have node
and npm
installed. Also, a global installation of gulp (via npm install -g gulp
) is required.
After that, run npm install
The source code of this api is written in coffeescript and the documentation is written in the blueprint format, so for
the code and documentation generation gulp is quite handy. To generate documentation, use gulp doc
and to generate
js code from the coffeescript code use gulp coffee
. Also, you'll need an sapnwrfc.json file in the folder
in which the connection information for your SAP systems resides. The system which shall be
loaded has to have the name I64
Example of such a file:
"I64": {
"user": "user",
"passwd": "password",
"ashost": "<ip here>",
"saprouter": "<router path>",
"sysnr": "00",
"client": "800",
"lang": "EN"
Last but not least, you need a certificate and a key for the https server to work. Those files should also reside
in res
, the key named key.pem
and the certificate named cert.pem
. Via openssl, it is quite easy to generate
a self signed certificate and a key. For this, type
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
into your console which should lead you through a setup, which will output the desired files.
For development usage (with live api auto reloading and a
separate server for the documentation html) run gulp dev
. For production usage, simply run gulp
. Attention:
For all those services, sudo
might be required (due to the usage of port 80 and 443).