Creates a directory and subdirectories for a version controlled project. Starts either a mercurial (hg) or a git repo. Project structure roughly follows the suggestions from: A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects
Directory structure: Project/
- .git/
- data/
- doc/
- scripts/
- results/
Notes: By default it assumes that the repo will live online in bitbucket, and the user name is also set to "adomingues". Use options -r and -u to change this.
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-p PROJECT, --project PROJECT Project name. The root of the directory structure
-vc VERSIONCONTROL, --versionControl VERSIONCONTROL Options: hg or git. Starts version control with list of ignored files included.
-r REPOSITORY, --repository REPOSITORY Options: github or bitbucket. Adds an online repo to the VCS definitions.