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Advertising SDK adapter for DFP mediation

Mindulis edited this page Jul 13, 2016 · 1 revision


The Adform DFP adapter can be used to integrate Adform ads into the Google Mobile Ads mediation platform.


Getting started

  1. If you haven't integrated the Google Mobile Ads SDK, please do so, you could find documentation here.

  2. You need to import Adform Advertising SDK to your project. Instructions on how to it you can find here.

  3. Download our DFP adapter library and include into your project. You could download it from here.

  4. Then you have to configure banner or interstitial custom event in DFP interface. More information on how to do so you can find here. There are two very important steps when defining a custom event:

    • You must set master tag id provided by Adform in parameter field.
    • You must use com.adform.dfp.AdformBannerAdapter class for inline ads and com.adform.dfp.AdformInterstitialAdapter class for interstitial ads (class name field).

Passing additional parameters to Adform banners

Additionally you can pass key values to mediated Adform banners.

When creating the AdRequest for an AdMob interstitial create an Android Bundle object with your keyvalues as extras (see example below). Add your custom Bundle to the AdRequest using addCustomEventExtrasBundle(<adform adater class>, <var name for your bundle>)

 	Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putString("age", "41");
    PublisherAdRequest publisherAdRequest = new PublisherAdRequest.Builder()
            .addCustomEventExtrasBundle(AdformBannerAdapter.class, bundle)
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