Learn more about about using Remix at CZI's Education initiative at Intro to Remix.
Create a new Remix app from this template by running:
npx create-remix@latest --template chanzuckerberg/edu-stack
- GitHub Actions for CI
- Code formatting with Prettier
- Component explorer with Storybook
- Email/Password Authentication with cookie-based sessions
- Linting with ESLint
- Local third party request mocking with MSW
- Query external services with GraphQL
- Static Types with TypeScript
- Styling with Tailwind
- Unit testing with Jest and Testing Library
Install the required Node version
nodenv install
Install dependencies
npm install
file for local developmentcp .env.example .env
Run the build, which generates the Node server + some other files:
npm run build
If you ever change the GraphQL schema or queries, generate new types with
npm run codegen
Start dev server:
npm start
This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.
By default there is a new user with some data you can use to get started:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password