Adel Atef, Bassam Mattar, Sandra Sherif, Eman Elrefai, Marwan Torki
Alexandria University, Egypt
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ,[email protected]
Current Arabic Machine Reading for Question Answering datasets suffers from important shortcomings. The available datasets are either small-sized high-quality collection or large-sized low-quality dataset. To address the aforementioned problem we present our Arabic Question-Answer dataset (AQAD). AQAD is a new Arabic reading comprehension large-sized high-quality dataset consisting of 17,000+ questions. To collect the AQAD dataset, we present a fully automated data collector. Our collector works on a set of Arabic Wikipedia articles for extractive question answering task. The chosen articles match the articles used in the well-known SQuAD dataset. We provide evaluation results on the AQAD dataset using two state-of-the-art models for machine-reading question answering problems Namely, BERT and BIDAF models which result in 0.37 and 0.32 F-1 measure on AQAD dataset.
Automated dataset collection, Arabic Machine Comprehension, Question Answering System, Arabic Machine Reading for Question Answering (A-MRQA), Arabic NLP, Answer Extraction.
The project is divided into 2 main phases:
We implemented an automatic dataset generator system capapble of generating arabic dataset with question-answer pairs.
We plugged our dataset to known baseline models to evaluate some interesting results.
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