- Lib with spring extension for testcontainers & junit extension for mongo.
Before, to set up a container, you had to write things like this:
// other annotations
@Testcontainers // manage life cycle testcontainers
class ClassTest {
private static final DockerImageName POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME = DockerImageName.parse("postgres:14.3");
private static final PostgreSQLContainer<?> POSTGRES_SQL_CONTAINER = new PostgreSQLContainer<>(POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME);
* Set random port, username and password for db.
* @param registry - for re-write properties.
static void overrideProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
registry.add("spring.datasource.url", POSTGRES_SQL_CONTAINER::getJdbcUrl);
registry.add("spring.datasource.username", POSTGRES_SQL_CONTAINER::getUsername);
registry.add("spring.datasource.password", POSTGRES_SQL_CONTAINER::getPassword);
// tests
What's wrong here?
- Static blocks...
- Override application properties must be written every time...
- Explicit creation of a container instance...
Now you can do it like this:
// other annotations
@EnablePostgresContainer(image = "postgres:14.3") // automatic initialization and start of the container
class ClassTest {
// tests
Сontainer is created in the application context along with other spring-beans, automatically starts and has a spring-bean lifecycle.
Container reuse is available by default if you have specified the required field in
#Modified by Testcontainers
...other properties
If you need some kind of manipulation with the container bean, then you can inject it like with any other bean:
// other annotations
@EnablePostgresContainer(image = "postgres:14.3") // automatic initialization and launch of the container
class ClassTest {
private PostgresContainer postgresContainer; // container proxy bean
// tests
Maybe you know this annotation:
@Sql(scripts = ["classpath:db/population.sql"])
class ClassTest {
// tests
The handler of this annotation executes the script from db/population.sql
There is nothing like this in MongoDB. Hug
adds an annotation similar to @Sql:
@MongoInsert(location = "db/mongo/populate/specials.json", collection = "specials")
class ClassTest {
// tests
The handler of this annotation will insert data from the db/mongo/populate/specials.json
to your database before all tests.
- Add dependency to your pom.xml
- Add an artifact repository (GitHub Packages) to your pom.xml