Examples of various pieces of functionality implemented with RxJs. Full list: https://stackblitz.com/@adamlubek
Most of examples are also contributed to LearnRxJs website (https://www.learnrxjs.io/) (my commits here: https://github.com/btroncone/learn-rxjs/commits?author=adamlubek)
- Alphabet Invasion
- Alphabet Invasion with manual level increase option
- Battleship
- Breakout
- Car Racing
- Catch the dot
- Dinosaur (Chrome's offline mode game)
- Click Ninja
- Flappy Bird
- Memory Game
- Mine Sweeper
- Platform Jumper
- Space Invaders
- Tanks battle
- Tetris
- Uncover Image
- Accumulate http responses
- Coordinates of mouse down/up
- Coordinates of mouse move between mouse downs/ups
- Horizontal Scroll Indicator
- Http Polling
- Keyboard press tracking
- Lockscreen
- Mouse Click Duration
- Stop Watch
- Swipe to refresh
- Type Ahead
- Vary displayed text depending on mouse position on the screen