A way of running a load of tsduck docker instances to analyse a bunch of streams.
cd ducksoak
pip install . --user
Its a yaml file. You can define where you want the logs to go on your localmachine, the tsduck a image to use and what input and output stream(s) you would like to analyse. Here is an example:
image: tsduckimage:1
logs: /tmp/soaklogs
This script will run a tsduck container per input/output stream
ducksoak config.yaml
ducksoak config.yaml --tidyup
This relies on being able to access the docker socket on the host Also be aware the permissions on the volumed in log directory may be a bit screwy (wip)
docker run --net=host -it -v /home/adam.cathersides/github/ducksoak/config.yaml:/config.yaml -v /tmp/soaklogs/:/tmp/soaklogs/ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock adamcathersides/ducksoak:1 /config.yaml
docker run --net=host -it -v /home/adam.cathersides/github/ducksoak/config.yaml:/config.yaml -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock adamcathersides/ducksoak:1 /config.yaml --tidyup
The tsduck containers are run in host networking mode