This project aims to facilitate writing LTL properties by abstracting the classical LTL notation.
The DSL created is based on spec patterns project (or web archive.
You can find the usage examples in tests folder.
void testBoundedContext() {
assert new PropertyParser().create {
boundedExistence "P"
occurs 2
justAfter "Q"
}.toString() == "<>Q -> (!Q U (Q & (!P W (P W (!P W (P W []!P))))))"
This project also includes a framework to transform the DSLs into an automaton to execute check trances.
The implementation is based on Spot and requires its installation as the dependency of the project.
Internally, the framework compiles the DSL into LTL and then transform it to HOAF format. The Spot parses this data structure and creates an automaton. The automata move according to the inputs. More details about the automata creation here
The factory can be updated to create Büchi automata to check messages on the fly, as a monitor, or logged.
You can change this mode by updating the factory to use the statement ltl2tgba --monitor