stand_alone_scrips folder
tip: you cand find put_data_in_mysql.py script into folder stand_alone_scrips
----this script will connect to a MySQL database and import file emag_placi_video.csv
----the database has to be allready created before so for the script to work
----so here are basic SQL commands to create a database and a table:
----connect to docker container tha runs MySQL:
sudo docker exec -it mysql mysql -p
here are some mysql basic commands:
create database test;
show databases;
use database test;
create table produse
`pret` int(11) NOT NULL,
`descriere` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`link` varchar(355) NOT NULL
#view content of the table produse
desc produse;
emag folder: how to use:
to start the crawler, first activate virtual env "venv" from emag folder : source venv/bin/activate
and inside project emag/emag/$
--- use : scrapy crawl emag -O name.csv
and if everything is ok you will find a file name.csv containing scraped data: you can view the scraped data here: https://github.com/acidutzu/scrapy/blob/master/emag/emag/emag.csv
if you wanna start a new project then follow the intrusctions bellow:
-make sure you are in a desired directory
-and in vscode terminal create a virtual env: virtualenv -p python3 venv ,
if you don't have virtualenv module installed you can install it by : pip3 install virtualenv
-then activate the virtualenviroment that you created: source venv/bin/activate
-after that you may install scrapy into the virtual enviroment venv: pip3 install scrapy
-then you can go ahead and start a project: scrapy startproject project-name
-make a new.py file inside your project, into the spiders folder, where all other files are, like this one here, where you will write your code
---use scrapy shell to connect to a page and interogate it, test commands before making this code here: scrapy shell
---in scrapy shell use fetch command to fetch data from a url: fetch('https://site.com')
fetch command will save everything in the command : response
use response.css or response.xpath
webscraping projects