LoRa App Server is an open-source LoRaWAN application-server, compatible with LoRa Server. It is responsible for the node "inventory" part of a LoRaWAN infrastructure, handling of received application payloads and the downlink application payload queue. It comes with a web-interface and API (RESTful JSON and gRPC) and supports authorization by using JWT tokens (optional). Received payloads are published over MQTT and payloads can be enqueued by using MQTT or the API.
Please refer to the documentation for the getting started documentation and implemented features.
Pre-compiled binaries are available at the releases page:
- Linux (including ARM / Raspberry Pi)
- OS X
- Windows
Debian and Ubuntu packages are available at https://repos.loraserver.io.
Source-code can be found at https://github.com/brocaar/lora-app-server.
The easiest way to get started is by using the provided docker-compose environment. To start a bash shell within the docker-compose environment, execute the following command from the root of this project:
docker-compose run --rm appserver bash
A few example commands that you can run:
# install all requirements
make requirements ui-requirements
# run the tests
make test
# build ui (requires NodeJS) and generate static files
make ui statics
# compile
make build
# cross-compile for Linux ARM
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm make build
# cross-compile for Windows AMD64
GOOS=windows BINEXT=.exe GOARCH=amd64 make build
# build the .tar.gz file
make package
# build the .tar.gz file for Linux ARM
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm make package
# build the .tar.gz file for Windows AMD64
GOOS=windows BINEXT=.exe GOARCH=amd64 make package
Alternatively, you can run the same commands from any working
Go environment. As all requirements are vendored,
there is no need to go get
these. Make sure you have Go 1.7.x installed
and that you clone this repository to
There are a couple of ways to get involved:
- Join the discussions and share your feedback at https://gitter.io/loraserver/lora-app-server
- Report bugs or make feature-requests by opening an issue at https://github.com/brocaar/lora-app-server/issues
- Fix issues or improve documentation by creating pull-requests
When you would like to add new features, please discuss the feature first by creating an issue describing your feature, how you're planning to implement it, what the usecase is etc...
LoRa App Server is distributed under the MIT license. See also LICENSE.