This template is a starting point for creating a
Kedro project for
Geospatial Data Sciences. It is based on the standard Kedro template which
can be created using the command kedro new
The template contains the following features:
- Kedro project configuration.
- Dockerfile to run your project in a container.
- Base image is set to osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-latest.
- Dependencies defined in requirements.txt and pyproject.tomlinstalled in the container using pip.
- template_devcontainer.json to set up the configuration of the development container in VS Code, including volume mounting and vscode extensions.
- Geospatial Dependencies such as gdal, geopandas, eartengine-api, geemap, leafmap and duckdb are included in the requirements.txt.
- Sphinx documentation template to document your project.
- Pre-commit configuration to run pre-commit hooks for black, isort, and ruff defined in pre-commit-config.yaml and pyproject.toml.
- Make file to run linting and cleaning commands
Documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages: Documentation | Kedro Geospatial Template