A catalog and scripts to plot interseismic coupling coefficients for various subduction zones
A set of scripts to plot and analyze the distribution of interseismic coupling on different subduction zones.
The data is contained in xlsx file. The spreadsheet will slowly be expanded to incorporate additional datasets. The coupling maps for each subduction zone in the xlsx file can be plotted by running the interseismic_coupling_plotter Jupyter Notebook.
Subduction zones and compilation reference:
Himalaya - Stevens and Avouac (2015)
Sumatra - Chlieh et al. (2008)
Cascadia - Michel et al. (2019)
Chile and Peru - Saillard et al. (2017)
Based on the data in Stevens and Avouac (2015)
All prerequisites are listed in the conda environment's yml file.
Please report suggestions and issues:
Project Link: [https://github.com/absrp/subduction_paleoseismology
I am grateful to Mohamed Chlieh and Juan Carlos Villegas for sharing their coupling data for the Chile and Peru sections of the Andean Megathrust respectively, and for Sylvain Michel for sharing his coupling data for Cascadia.