- Provo, UT
abrandoned / ragnar
Forked from localshred/ragnarProvide top-level DSL for RabbitMQ (AMQP) for interacting with a larger service ecosystem
prettyxml (from vim.wikia.com) for pathogen
Postgres port of thresholding levenshtein implementation
dynamic scope building and user definition/selection of scopes in ruby
A pure ruby implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers
abrandoned / trinidad
Forked from trinidad/trinidadSimple library to run rails and rackup applications into an embedded Apache Tomcat
Waterpark is a gem to manage a collection of pools (initially built for topology aware distributed caching)
Integrate Resque into Trinidad
abrandoned / Vim-Darkmate
Forked from yearofmoo/Vim-DarkmateA Vim version of the Gedit Darkmate theme
Provide top-level DSL for RabbitMQ (AMQP) for interacting with a larger service ecosystem
abrandoned / recurrence
Forked from fnando/recurrenceA simple library that handles recurring events.
A Vim version of the Gedit Darkmate theme
mysql levenshtein implementation, uses 2*min(length(A), length(B)) space and thresholding
Pure Ruby implementation of Murmur2 Neutral and ffi for Murmur1/Murmur2/Murmur3
NOTE: This extension is no longer maintained, please try the **trinidad_worker_extension** instead ...
Web server for Rails/Rack applications built upon JRuby::Rack and Apache Tomcat
Cache namespacing for cache providers that do not have namespace expiry (like memcached)
A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord.