Save entries for a user during a session. This could be used for a 'add to cart' function or for a 'product compare' function (save entry_id's for later use). Entries are only stored during a session.
As of version 1.0 you can also save the session storage to the database on a per member basis.
Save entry id’s to session storage. Session storage is cleared when the session expires. If no entry_id is specified, Remember Me will try to discover the currently viewed entry based on the last URL segment.
entry_id (optional) The entry_id or url_title of the entry you want to save to storage.
return (optional) The URL to redirect to after saving an entry to storage redirect. Follows the template_group/template_name convention.
// Save entry to storage
// Save entry to storage
{exp:remember_me:set entry_id='69' return='products/index'}
entry_id (optional) Check wether an entry is in storage. Value can either be a an url_title or entry_id.
channel (optional) Filter the returned dataset by channel_id or channel_name
reverse (optional) Reverse the order of the entries
// Get all entries from storage
// Get entries belonging to a certain channel from storage
{exp:remember_me:get channel='producten'}<br />
// Retrieve saved entries in a reversed order
{exp:remember_me:get reverse='yes'}<br />
// Check if a certain entry is in storage
{if {exp:remember_me:get entry_id='61'}}
Entry in storage
Entry not in storage
entry_id (optional) Check wether an entry is in storage. Value can either be a an url_title or entry_id.
channel (optional) Filter the returned dataset by channel_id or channel_name
return (optional) The URL to redirect to. Follows the template_group/template_name convention.
// Clear entire storage
{exp:remember_me:clear return='group/template'}
// Remove single entry from storage
{exp:remember_me:clear entry_id='61'}
// Remove entries belonging to a certain channel from storage
{exp:remember_me:clear channel='products'}
entry_id (optional) Check wether an entry is in storage. Value can either be a an url_title or entry_id.
channel (optional) Either the channel short_name or the channel_id. Only save entries to the database which belong to the specified channel.
return (optional) URL to redirect to after saving entries to the database. Follows the template_group/template_name convention.
list (optional) Name of the list to save to. If no list is specified, list name ‘default’ is used.
append (optional) Append entries to the database or not. Default value is 'no' which means it will override the entries currently saved to the list in the database. [ yes | no* ]
clear (optional) Clear session storage after saving it to the database. [ yes | no* ]
member_id (optional) member_id of the member to assigne the entries to. Defaults to currently logged in member.
// Save the entire storage to the list 'default'
{exp:remember_me:save return='products/index'}
// Append a single entry to the list 'shoppingcart' and redirect
{exp:remember_me:save entry_id='23' list='shoppingcart' append='yes' return='products/detail/product_name'}
// Save all entries in storage from channel 'songs' to the list 'My jazz favorites'
{exp:remember_me:save list='My jazz favorites' channel='songs' return='music/index'}
// Append entries from the channel 'songs' to the list 'My jazz favorites'
{exp:remember_me:save list='My jazz favorites' channel='songs' append='yes' return='music/index'}
entry_id (optional) Check wether an entry is stored in the database. Value can either be a an url_title or entry_id.
channel (optional) Filter the items loaded from the database and return only those entries that belong to a particular channel. Either the channel_id or channel_name of a channel.
return (optional) URL to redirect to after loading entries from the database. Follows the template_group/template_name convention.
reverse (optional) Reverse the order of the returned items. [ yes | no ]
list (optional) The list name to load. Default value is 'default'
set (optional) Put the returned entries in session storage? Overrides the items currently in storage, unless specified otherwise (see 'append' parameter). [ yes | no* ]
append (optional) When using the 'set' parameter this parameter allows you to append the loaded items to session storage instead of overriding it. [ yes | no* ]
member_id (optional) member_id of the member to load the entries from. Defaults to currently logged in member.
// Output items from list 'default'.
> Output : '34|63|135|4'
// Append items from the list 'shoppingcart' to the current session storage, but only those that are in the 'products' channel.
{exp:remember_me:load list='shoppingcart' set='yes' append='yes' channel='products' return='products/index'}
// Outputs items from the list 'My birthday wishlist' belonging to member 7.
{exp:remember_me:load list='My birthday wishlist' return='products/index' member_id='7'}
> Output : '34|232|64|92'
channel (optional) Remove only those entries that belong to a particular channel. Either the channel_id or channel_name of a channel.
return (optional) URL to redirect to after removing entries from the database. Follows the template_group/template_name convention.
list (optional) The list name to remove or remove entries from. Default value is 'default'
member_id (optional) member_id of the member to remove the entries from. Defaults to currently logged in member.
// Remove the entire 'saved_shoppingcart' list from the database
{exp:remember_me:remove list='saved_shoppingcart' return='products/index'}
// Remove entry 232 from the list 'My birthday wishlist'
{exp:remember_me:remove list='My birthday wishlist' entry_id='232' return='account/whishlists'}
This tag will output all lists saved by a particular member. The tag {list_items} is used to output the entry_ids in that list.
channel (optional) Filter the returned items in the list by channel. Either the channel_id or channel_name of a channel.
reverse (optional) Reverse the order of the returned items within a list. [ yes | no* ]
show_empty (optional) When returning lists and filtering by channel, a list may return no items. By default they aren't shown, but this parameter will allow you to show it anyway. [ yes | no* ]
member_id (optional) member_id of the member to show the list for. Defaults to currently logged in member.
// Show all lists belonging to member 45. Handy if you want to allow members to make public wishlists
<ul class="db-storage">
{exp:remember_me:lists parse='inward' member_id='45'}
{if no_results}<li class="no_lists">No lists saved</li>{/if}
{exp:channel:entries dynamic='no' entry_id='{list_items}'}
<li>{entry_id}) {title} <a href="{path=plugins/remember_me/remove_entry/{list_name}/{entry_id}}">Remove</a></li>
0.9.3 : Added 'reverse' parameter