Course exercises from the Complete NodeJS with NodeJS, TypeScript, GraphQL, etc... This repository is part of the NodeJS course available at
Open the ./src
to learn, practice, code along with the fundamentals of the nodeJS
open the ./project
to see sample project related to the course
open the ./doc
to read my note
- [Section 2: Node.js - Foundations and Environment Setup]
- [Section 3: Node.js - Internals]
- [Section 4: Node.js - Module System]
- [Section 5: Node.js - Package Management]
- [Section 6: Node.js - Node.js File I/O + Project1]
- [Section 7: Web Servers with Node.js]
- [Section 8: First Express.js API]
- [Section 9: Project2]
- [Section 10: Testing API]
- [Section 11: Improving Node Performance]
- [Section 12: Databases]
- [Section 13: Working with REST API + Project3]
- [Section 14: Node Security + Authentication]
- [Section 15: Continous Integration and Delivery]
- [Section 16: Node Production and the Cloud (AWS)]
- [Section 17: GraphQL]
- [Section 18: Socket with Node.js]
To run the server:
- Clone repo
- Run npm install
- Run npm start