⭐ Implement a dating app using Laravel, MySQL, and vanilla JavaScript.
- On Signup, users choose their gender and which gender they are interested in. They also specify their location (Bonus: Get programarically the location of the user)
- Users can only surf people who are interested in.
- After logging in, users are displayed and sorted by their location.
- Users shall be able to upload a picture, bio, age, etc.
- Users shall be able to favorite others. Favorite users are displayed in a seperate page.
- Users shall be able to block others. Blocked users should not appear anywhere
- Users shall be able to chat with one another
📅 Deadline: Tuesday, October 4th, at 11:59 PM
repo link : https://github.com/abdallahmoubarak/friendoo-dating-app
- Substage 1 : developing frontend pages using (html - css- js)
- Substage 2 : implementing Laravel
- Substage 3 : listing APIs
- Substage 4 : fitting API's in frontend